Hay fever advice from public health experts as pollen levels rise in warm weather

Young woman sneezing
Millions of people suffer with hay fever in the UK -Credit:Getty

The annoying and for some debilitating symptoms of hay fever often start to kick in at this time of year. Hay fever is usually worse between late March and September, especially when it's warm, humid and windy.

This is when the pollen count is at its highest. The Met Office said the pollen levels in Wales this weekend are medium.

They said: "Early-season grass pollen triggering symptoms in some people. Oak pollen airborne. Spores: aspergillus types and Leptosphaeria after rain."

Public Health Wales has today put out this advice about the condition that affects millions in the UK.

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What causes hay fever

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, typically when it comes into contact with your mouth, nose, eyes and throat. Pollen is a fine powder from plants.

Check if you have hay fever

Symptoms of hay fever include:

  • sneezing and coughing

  • a runny or blocked nose

  • itchy, red or watery eyes

  • itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears

  • loss of smell

  • pain around your temples and forehead

  • headache

  • earache

  • feeling tired

If you have asthma, you might also:

  • have a tight feeling in your chest

  • be short of breath

  • wheeze and cough

Hay fever will last for weeks or months, unlike a cold, which usually goes away after 1 to 2 weeks.

How to treat hay fever yourself

There's currently no cure for hay fever and you can't prevent it.

But you can do things to ease your symptoms when the pollen count is high.


  • put Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen

  • wear wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen getting into your eyes

  • shower and change your clothes after you've been outside to wash pollen off

  • stay indoors whenever possible

  • keep windows and doors shut as much as possible

  • vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth

  • buy a pollen filter for the air vents in your car and a vacuum cleaner with a special HEPA filter


  • do not cut grass or walk on grass

  • do not spend too much time outside

  • do not keep fresh flowers in the house

  • do not smoke or be around smoke - it makes your symptoms worse

  • do not dry clothes outside - they can catch pollen

  • do not let pets into the house if possible - they can carry pollen indoors

Allergy UK has more tips on managing hay fever.

A pharmacist can help with hay fever

Speak to your pharmacist if you have hay fever.

Hayfever is one of the conditions covered by the Common Ailments Scheme which is an NHS service that patients can access for free advice and free treatment and is available from 99% of pharmacies in Wales.

See a GP if:

  • your symptoms are getting worse

  • your symptoms do not improve after taking medicines from the pharmacy

Treatments for hay fever from a GP

Your GP might prescribe a steroid treatment, such as a steroid nasal spray.

If steroids and other hay fever treatments do not work, your GP may refer you for immunotherapy.

This means you'll be given small amounts of pollen as an injection or tablet to slowly build up your immunity to pollen.

This kind of treatment usually starts in the winter about 3 months before the hay fever season begins.

Immunotherapy is a specialist service that may not be available everywhere.

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