Health conditions that mean up to £737 DWP PIP cash each month for five years or more

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-Credit: (Image: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire)

Data released by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reveal that over 1.5 million individuals, or 42.4% of all 3.5 million Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claimants, have an award valid for five years or more.

As per the statistics gathered at the end of April, approximately 1,501,215 people from Scotland, England, Wales, and abroad continue to receive aid for a disability, long-term illness, or mental/physical health condition. Claimants with sight impairments represent a significant portion of the demographic, with over 58% being awarded up to £737.20 monthly for over five years.

A majority of individuals suffering from general musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis or muscle/joint pain, received a long-term award, matching the trend with neurological disease patients, where 49.5% were granted an extended PIP benefit. Prospective PIP or Adult Disability Payment (ADP)'s Scottish equivalent claimants must note that award durations vary, spanning between nine months up to 10 years, with the DWP documenting only those exceeding 'five years or longer'.

As explicated in the 2024 PIP Handbook, the decision-maker's judgement on PIP awards reflects the severity of the recipient's health condition or disability, largely impacting their day-to-day lifestyle and independence. The excerpt further reads: "The length of award will be based upon each claimant's individual circumstances."

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued guidance stating that most claimants will have their awards regularly reviewed, "regardless of the length of the award", to ensure "everyone continues to receive the most appropriate level of support", reports the Daily Record.

Certain claimants may be given a limited-term award for a fixed period of up to two years - these awards, according to the DWP, will not be reviewed. Limited awards with no review date are given where the claimant's health condition may be reasonably expected to improve.

Ongoing awards with a 'light touch' review

A 'light touch' review is typically awarded to claimants who have:

  • very stable needs which are unlikely to change over time

  • high-level needs which will either stay the same or get worse

  • a planned award review date due on or at State Pension age

  • a special rule for end-of-life claim due when of State Pension age

The DWP guidance states: "These claimants would not usually be expected to have a face-to-face assessment at review."

A successful claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Attendance Allowance Disability Payment (ADP) can now provide between £28.70 and £184.30 each week in additional financial support. As the benefit is paid every four weeks, this amounts to between £114.80 and £737.20 every pay period.

Six conditions with PIP award of five years or longer

It's important to note that people with different health conditions can be awarded PIP for up to five years or longer. The award is based on how the condition affects the claimant.

The conditions listed below have the highest percentage rate of five-year or longer awards given to claimants at the end of April 2024.


Total Claimants

5-Year+ Awards


Visual disease




Musculoskeletal disease (general)




Neurological disease




Respiratory disease




Autoimmune disease (connective tissue disorders)




Musculoskeletal disease (regional)




Total number of PIP claimants




Below is a brief overview of PIP and ADP. Although new claims for PIP have been replaced in Scotland by ADP, the eligibility criteria remain largely the same.

Comprehensive guidance on ADP can be found on the MYGOV. SCOT website.

Who might qualify for PIP or ADP?

To qualify for PIP or ADP, you must have a health condition or disability where you:

  • have had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for 3 months.

  • expect these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months.

You typically need to have resided in the UK for at least two of the past three years and be in the country when you apply.

In addition to what was outlined above, if you receive or require assistance with any of the following due to your condition, you should consider applying for PIP or ADP.

  • preparing, cooking or eating food

  • managing your medication

  • washing, bathing or using the toilet

  • dressing and undressing

  • engaging and communicating with other people

  • reading and understanding written information

  • making decisions about money

  • planning a journey or following a route

  • moving around

There are different rules if you are terminally ill, which can be found on the GOV. UK website.

The DWP will assess how challenging you find daily living and mobility tasks. For each task they will examine:

  • whether you can do it safely

  • how long it takes you

  • how often your condition affects this activity

  • whether you need help to do it, from a person or using extra equipment

How are PIP and ADP paid?

PIP and ADP are typically paid every four weeks, unless you're terminally ill, in which case it's paid weekly. The payments are made directly into your bank, building society or credit union account.

ADP is paid at the same rates as PIP.

PIP and ADP payment rates for 2024/25

An assessment is required to determine the level of financial assistance you'll receive, and your rate will be regularly reviewed to ensure you're getting the right support. Payments are made every four weeks.

PIP consists of two components:

  • Daily living

  • Mobility

Whether you get one or both of these and how much you get depends on how severely your condition affects you.

The following amounts will be paid per week depending on your circumstances:

Daily living

Standard rate: £72.65.

Enhanced rate: £108.55.


Standard rate: £28.70.

Enhanced rate: £75.75.

How you are assessed

You'll be assessed by an independent healthcare professional to help the DWP determine the level of financial support, if any, you need for PIP.

Face-to-face consultations for health-related benefits are offered alongside video calls, telephone and paper-based assessments - it's important to be aware that the health professional and DWP determine which type of assessment is best suited for each claimant. You can find out more about DWP PIP assessments here.

Adult Disability Payment assessments will not involve face-to-face assessments unless this is preferred by the claimant - find out more about the changes here.

How do you apply for PIP?

To make a new claim, get in touch with the DWP. All the necessary information to apply can be found on the GOV.UK website here.

Before you ring up, ensure you have:

  • your contact details.

  • your date of birth.

  • your National Insurance number - this can be found on letters about tax, pensions and benefits.

  • your bank or building society account number and sort code.

  • the name, address and telephone number of your doctor or health worker.

  • dates and addresses for any periods you've spent abroad, in a care home or hospital.

How to apply for ADP

Individuals can apply for ADP over the phone, by post or in person. For more information or to apply, visit the dedicated pages on here or ring Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222.