'I heard a loud explosion and my neighbour screamed... my heart dropped' - Leeds family lose everything

'I heard a loud explosion and my neighbour screamed... my heart dropped' - Leeds family lose everything

A family from Leeds returned home from a short break to find everything they own had been destroyed in a tragic fire.

Emma Lawton and Patrick Mullen were due to return from a weekend in London with their youngest son, Harry, on Monday, June, 3 when they received a devastating phone call from a "destressed neighbour" telling them that their house was on fire.

The couple have three children between them Luke, 22, Mikey, 17, and Harry, nine, but only their youngest son Harry was with them at the time. They were advised not to return to the house with Harry present, as their family home had been completely destroyed by the fire - along with all of their possessions.

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Knowing he had a long drive ahead of him, Patrick tried to remain optimistic and positive to get his family home safely to Leeds but when they arrived home their world was turned upside down. The fire was caused accidentally by a well-meaning family member, who was carrying out some work at the property, when a lapse in judgement and concentration ended in disaster.

A gas canister that was stored in the garage exploded and caught fire. The gas boiler was located in close proximity which inevitably exploded. The garage was attached to the house, causing fire to rip through the property. The fire also caused damage to a neighbouring property and vehicle, but thankfully, no one was injured.

Patrick Mullen told Leeds Live: "We had been away for a long weekend to London. Emma and Harry were doing a tour at Shrek World while I was completing a job in an office block in central London. I had work down there late Friday and early Monday so we decided to spend the weekend in London together.

"I was just leaving an office in the capital when I got the call from my distressed neighbour to say my house was on fire. I could tell by her voice that it was bad. During the call I heard a loud explosion and my neighbour screamed.

"My heart dropped, all I could think about was how bad it actually was, I was desperately trying to keep calm and not let my imagination runaway with itself.

"I knew I had a long drive home and needed to get us all back to Leeds safely. In terms of damage, it is extensive but could have been a lot worse if it had caused structural damage. However, what the fire didn’t get the smoke and water did. I'm just gutted, I’d not long finished renovating the house."

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The nightmare only continued when Patrick contacted the insurance company, to be told the sickening news that the policy had expired in March this year and they had not renewed the policy.

After he explained the situation, the insurers referred him to his policy details. The details confirmed it's unlikely they would have paid out anyway, due to the patio gas canister having been stored incorrectly.

As a result, the family have tragically been left homeless and with nothing but the clothes they had with them. They are currently relying on the generosity of family and friends to offer them a place to stay while they attempt to get back on their feet.

Patrick continued: "Hearing that I wasn’t covered was another kick in the teeth. We are now faced with the arduous task of cleaning up and ripping out all the damaged parts of the building.

"Me and Emma are lucky to have such a fantastic family support network. Everyone has been down to help us in one way or another. Not just family but friends too and the response from tradesmen we know has been a weight lifted of our shoulders.

"East Leeds rugby club are currently doing an ongoing fundraiser with a sponsored walk due to take place in a couple of weeks. And I have a list of tradesmen and companies that are helping us get back home."

Close friends Dave and Dawn O'Brien, who know the family through the children's school and football team, have set up a GoFundMe in a desperate bid to spare the family some of the financial burden of starting from scratch.

Dave O'Brien wrote on the fundraising website: "It's everyone's worst nightmare to have your home and all its contents destroyed. They have lost everything! The boys are well thought of within the football and rugby community. Mikey plays Rugby for Oulton Raiders, Luke plays for East Leeds Rugby club. Harry is a budding young footballer playing for Amaranth Crossgates Football Club. They are now unable to stay together as a family unit, with all rooms and possessions having been destroyed.

"Patrick and Emma were somewhat hesitant to allow us to post this, as they are an independent and proud couple. They have graciously accepted the offer of help, as the family can’t do this alone.

"Patrick and Emma are both self employed. They are having to juggle work, contend with the devastation caused by the fire, whilst raising a young child. Harry is unaware of the extent of the damage caused. If any of your children know and play with Harry, we ask that you be mindful of talking to them sensitively about the severity of the damage.

"Whilst Harry knows there’s been a fire, they can’t bring themselves to tell him just yet with his birthday around the corner, that all of his belongings, his clothes, his toys have been destroyed in the fire.

"Please can we ask you to spare whatever you can. Any donations, no matter how big or small are graciously received and will go a long way in helping them rebuild their home and get back on their feet."

You can donate to the fundraiser, here.