Heartbreak as popular music lover dies in festival tragedy after police called to scene

Heather Aird.
Heather Aird was originally from Preston -Credit:No credit

Tributes have been paid to a music lover who passed away after police were called to a music festival on the Isle of Skye on Saturday night (May 11).

Emergency Services attended Skye Live, in Portree, just before midnight following reports a woman had become unwell. She was sadly pronounced dead at the scene.

Heartbroken friends have since paid tribute to Heather Aird, who was originally from Preston. According to Police Scotland, there are not believed to be any suspicious circumstances, the Daily Record reports.

Yvonne Lyon wrote on Facebook: "Woken up to the terrible news that the tragic death Skye Live Festival was the beautiful Heather Aird. Oh my! Just heartbroken. Heather was a huge part of the Scottish live music family."

"We are going to miss her beautiful soul. I am so grateful for recently bumping into Heather again at the Lochwinnoch Arts Festival Events Page at Bobby Motherwell gig. This time, I had time, I wasn't having to clear up after a gig.


"We sat sitting sipping tea from vintage tea cups and eating delicious cakes, saying how much we loved each other's necklaces and clothes and how we both needed our hair done.

"We talked about her work in the library in prison and I shared some tough life stuff. We put the world to rights before hitting the craft fair and of course buying anything green. Oh my! I still owed you that next cup of tea Heather.

"Thank you for all your encouragement about my music. You did what you loved right up to the end. You were loved. Your love and light goes on. X Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceol."

Heather Aird.
"We are going to miss her beautiful soul" -Credit:No credit

Bobby Motherwell added: "Such sad news to receive last night about Heather. My heart goes out to her family and friends who must, like all of us, still be in shock at the news.

"She was a champion of live music and such a constant in the Scottish music scene that you would be forgiven for thinking she lived here. She loved the music scene we have in Scotland and supported it like no one else I know.

"We all followed her travels and posts on Facebook and I was amazed at the commitment and love and knowledge she had for music. She will be sorely missed; that broad smile and generous hug that we are all familiar with.

"I know there are far more people here who have a stronger and longer connection with Heather, and my thoughts are with you all today. I had only really known her for a few years, catching up occasionally when we would bump into each other at gigs.

"I will be forever grateful that I got to spend some valuable time with her, and for her generous and encouraging words about my writing and songs during the Lochwinnoch Arts Festival in March.

"We chatted about music, her work in the Prison Library and my Barlinnie stint, birds and her love and connection to Scotland. I'm grateful for that deeper connection we made that day. Always thought I'd see you again down the road. Maybe I will.

Adriana Spina also posted on Facebook: "I'm still getting my head around the tragic loss of Heather Aird. A beautiful soul with endless energy for music and travel, and a mainstay of new music audiences around Scotland in particular.

"She was one of my founding patrons and has been an ever-so valued supporter of mine for many years. I was so looking forward to seeing her at gigs later this year.

"My heart goes out to her family, as well as her many friends and fellow gig-goers. She will be sadly missed and her kindness and empathy will never be forgotten."

Paul Greavesie said: "Thinking of my friend Heather Aird R.I.P mate now. hopefully you are with Daz Towie once again xx." Ben Adey posted: "Aw, no Heather Aird what an incredible soul. Was only talking to you on Skye a few weeks back. This is really sad news. You will be sorely missed xx." Janine Lewis Facebooked: "Absolutely devastating to hear such sad news Heather Aird your heart was pure and you will be missed soo much.

"Honestly I don't have many friends but you was definitely one rest in peace and make sure you plague that Towey love to your family at this sad time."

Ashleigh Wignall said: "Heather Aird I am utterly devastated. The kindest, most caring, purest soul. One of life's good people. Always loved putting the world to rights with you, our talks of poets and literature and our mutual love of music.

"Reunited with your beloved Darren, your dad and mine. The most heartbreaking news. I will never look at the colour green again without thinking of you. RIP Heather you beautiful woman."

And Mark Wilson said: "Ah Heather Aird you oozed coolness. And you saw Celtic win another league, but big Darren will die again when he see's u dance into heaven looking for a drink X."

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 11.55pm on Saturday, 11 May, we were called to a report of a woman unwell at an event in Portree. Police and ambulance attended however the woman was pronounced dead."

"Inquiries continue however there are not thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death. A report will be forwarded to the procurator fiscal."