Heartless thieves smash door at Coventry charity shop

The smashed door at Sense charity shop in Willenhall
The smashed door at Sense charity shop in Willenhall -Credit:Sense

Staff at a charity shop in Coventry are 'deeply upset' after their store was burgled. Sense on Remembrance Road in Willenhall says the raid that occurred overnight between Wednesday, May 14, and Thursday, May 15 and has cost more than £1,500 in lost sales and repairs.

The store is now calling on the local community to help the store recover the costs after the front door was smashed, and the empty till and the back room were badly damaged. Staff discovered the overnight break-in just before 8am on May 15 and had to close for the day to clean up when police were in attendance.

The store helps raise funds for national disability charity Sense to support people living with complex disabilities, but the cost of repairs and lost trading has been a 'significant setback'. They say any stock donations, cash donations, or applying to become a shop volunteer would be 'hugely welcomed'.

Read more: Coventry shop is latest to relocate to new site to make way for City Centre South

Area Manager for Sense's shops, Simone Tiano, said: "The team are very upset and disappointed about the break-in at our Sense charity shop. It feels heartless to damage our store and force us to close for an entire day, and it’s costing our charity more than £1,500 to put it right.

"But almost nothing was stolen, we’ve cleaned up as quickly as possible and we’re now determined to fight back and make up all the losses we’ve suffered. We’d warmly welcome any help local people can give us, perhaps by making donations, by volunteering, or by coming in to do some shopping, say “hello” and cheer us up.

"Sense is a fantastic charity that supports people living with complex disabilities and we’re so proud of our Willenhall shop and the work we do here," he added.

A spokesperson from West Midlands Police said: "We're investigating after a burglary at a charity shop in Coventry. Money and other items were stolen at some point overnight on 14 into 15 May. No one has yet been arrested, and anyone with information has been asked to get in touch, quoting 20/479055/24."

Staff says anyone who can help can go into the shop or email willenhall@sense.org.uk or call 02476 305718.

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