Help us find the best playground in Surrey to enjoy this half term

Where do you think is the best place for children to play in Surrey? -Credit:Frank Wagner / Getty Images
Where do you think is the best place for children to play in Surrey? -Credit:Frank Wagner / Getty Images

As school half term approaches, parents across Surrey are on the lookout for the perfect spots to keep their little ones entertained. Whether it's swings, slides, climbing frames, or wide-open spaces for running around, the right playground can make all the difference.

At SurreyLive, we believe in the power of community recommendations, and that’s why we’re launching a survey to find out which playgrounds in Surrey are truly the best.

We need your help! We’re asking families, parents, grandparents, and anyone who loves spending time outdoors with their little ones to share their favourite playgrounds across the county. Your input will not only highlight the best places for fun and adventure but also help other families discover new gems where their children can play, explore, and make new friends.

Participating is quick and easy. Simply head to our survey below. We’re asking for the name and location of the playground.

The more responses we receive, the more comprehensive and useful our guide will be. Share the survey with your friends, family, and social media followers. The playground that your child loves might become the next favourite spot for another family.

Let’s make this half term the best one yet with plenty of outdoor fun and adventure for all Surrey families.

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