Here's Everything All Race Across The World Fans Will Want To Know About The New Celebrity Series

Celebrity Race Across The World is coming to BBC One and iPlayer
Celebrity Race Across The World is coming to BBC One and iPlayer

Celebrity Race Across The World is coming to BBC One and iPlayer

It’s been five months since Race Across The World series three finished and we’ve been eagerly anticipating the celebrity version after it was teased at the end of the final episode. 

And now the moment is here, as four celebrities and their travel partners embark on an exciting new adventure.

The stars taking part are well-travelled thanks to their careers – but it’s fair to say they aren’t exactly used to strict budget and two-star accommodation (and the won’t be getting any special treatment).

With the series premiere just days away, here’s everything you need to know...

How does Race Across The World work? 

If you’re never seen Race Across The World before then don’t worry, the concept is pretty straight-forward.

As the title suggests, the series sees teams of two race against each other, with the journey broken up with checkpoints (usually four and then the final destination) along the way. 

When they reach a checkpoint, each pair has to sign a book on the hotel check-in desk, which gives them a chance to see how they’re doing against the others. After resting for a set amount of time, the pairs leave the hotel in the order they arrived, with staggered exit times maintaining the time differences between them. 

There are a few rules which make things extra tricky, too. First of all, nobody is allowed to take a flight and phones are banned – so interacting with locals to figure out the most sensible options is a must. 

The budget is tight too, as each pair is given a wallet containing the cash it would cost to fly to the final destination from the UK. The only thing they have to help is a handy pamphlet containing much-needed job opportunities where they can earn extra cash along the way. 

Who’s in the line-up?

The Celebrity Race Across The World stars at the starting line
The Celebrity Race Across The World stars at the starting line

The Celebrity Race Across The World stars at the starting line

The famous faces taking part are McFly star Harry Judd, Good Morning Britain’s Alex Beresford, All Saints singer Melanie Blatt and racing driver Billy Monger.

Each celebrity will be joined by a family member, with Alex racing with his dad Noel, while Mel and Harry are joined by their mums, Helene and Emma, respectively. Billy is taking part with his sister, Bonny.

Where will they be going? 

The regular seasons of Race Across The World have seen members of the public hustle their way from London to Singapore, hitchhike the length of South America and cross the Canadian wilderness. 

Filmed before the recent earthquake in Morocco, the celebrities will start the race in capital Marrakesh, travelling through 24 countries to the final checkpoint in Tromsø, Norway. 

Along the way, they’ll “race through every landscape and culture that this part of the world has to offer,” the BBC has promised. Mediterranean ports, the Alps, Central Europe and snowy Scandinavia are just a few of the places the 10,000km route will take them through. 

Is there a trailer? 

Yes! Watch it below:

When is Celebrity Race Across The World on? 

Celebrity Race Across The World was originally due to begin on Wednesday 13 September, but the BBC announced it had taken the decision to postpone the launch in light of the earthquake in Morocco, as the first episode was filmed in Marrakesh.

It has since been rescheduled for Wednesday 20 September at 9pm on BBC One and iPlayer. Episodes will then air weekly.