Here's what MP hopefuls in the East said about the Island's housing crisis

Top row, from left: Emily Brothers, David Groocock and Michael Lilley. Bottom row, from left: Joe <i>(Image: Contributed)</i>
Top row, from left: Emily Brothers, David Groocock and Michael Lilley. Bottom row, from left: Joe (Image: Contributed)

There is not long to go until Islanders cast their vote for their next MP - and hopefuls standing in Isle of Wight East have been revealing what they would do about housing.

Whether it's a lack of affordable homes or soaring rental costs, the Island is in the midst of a housing crisis.

The County Press gave candidates in the East constituency 120 words to tell us what they would do about it.

Here's what they said...

Emily Brothers, for Island Labour, said: "After fourteen years of Conservative government, the dream of home ownership is out of reach for too many people.

"I want to address the island’s housing shortage with planning reform to build on disused grey belt land, fast track permissions on brownfield sites and focus on social housing.

"We will unlock the housing market for first time buyers with a Freedom to Buy Scheme with a permanent mortgage guarantee, giving islanders ‘first choice’ on new housing, ending the farce of selling to investors.

"The feudal leasehold system is broken, so I want to make commonhold the default to stop ever increasing service charges.

"Labour will introduce a powerful new Private Renters Charter to make renting fairer, more secure and affordable."

For the Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats, Michael Lilley said: "The Lib Dems would increase building of new homes across UK including 150,000 social homes a year through community-led development in towns.

"We deliver a fair deal for renters by immediately banning no-fault evictions, making three-year tenancies the default and creating a national register of licensed landlords.

"It was Island Liberal MP, Steve Ross, who led on the Homelessness 1977 Act due to horrific housing crisis in 70s Britain. In 2024, we have Island families living in one room bed and breakfast and appalling conditions.

"I have advocated for many years the need to support local housing associations such as Vectis Housing Association to build and make available deliverable homes to rent. This would be a number one priority."

The Isle of Wight Green Party's Vix Lowthion said: "The shortage of appropriate, warm and affordable housing for islanders will be a priority for me as your MP.

"As a start we need to address the problems in the rental market through rental controls and end of no fault evictions.

"And we wouldn’t just build affordable homes – we are the only party who would allow councils to build council homes.

"Greens would use the taxation and planning system to incentivise renovation of existing buildings and encourage small developments rather than big estates. Solar panels and heat pumps should be included on all new homes, and new developments should be located so that they do not have to rely on cars for transport."

For Reform UK, Sarah Morris said: "Reform UK will ensure that people can own their own home by unleashing housebuilding across the country and cutting immigration.

"IN THE FIRST 100 DAYS: Review the Planning System.

"Fast-track planning and tax incentives for development of brownfield sites. 'Loose fit planning' policy for large residential developments with pre-approved guidelines and developer requirements.

"Reform social housing law.

"Prioritise local people and those who have paid into the system. Foreign nationals must go to the back of the queue. Not the front.

"Scrap section 24 for landlords

"The tax system should encourage smaller landlords into the rental markets. Not penalise them. We will restore landlords rights to deduct finance costs and mortgage interest from tax on rental income."

Joe Robertson, for the Isle of Wight Conservative Party, said: "We have not delivered enough affordable homes on the Island over a number of years. That is why we have such a big housing waiting list.

"The council needs to do more. I met with a provider last year which has money to invest but it is struggling to work with the council to find suitable land.

"Two years ago I helped secure up to £40m of low rate borrowing for the council to release land and build homes itself. It has not spent a penny of it - and doesn’t even have a plan to.

"Working with social housing providers and local developers is essential, and as MP I will bring all parties together to deliver for Islanders in need."

Independent candidate David Groocock said: "I would ensure that all brown sites around the Island would be made available for developing low cost affordable housing.

"Making sure that rented accommodation was fit for purpose and by making incentives so that future landlords can buy (by lower borrowing costs) and invest in their properties to bring them up to standard.

"Making sure the Island plan does include local housing plans and that first time buyers can afford to buy with Government backed guaranteed loans for first time borrowers."

  • For Isle of Wight West: Cameron Palin, Green Party; Ian Pickering, Reform UK; Richard Quigley, Labour; Bob Seely, Conservative; Nick Stuart, Liberal Democrat; Rachel Thacker, ADF.