Here's When The UK Could See Snow And Freezing Temperatures... And It's Soon

Time to unpack the thermals.
Time to unpack the thermals.

Time to unpack the thermals.

Just as we were beginning to enjoy spring’s sudden warmer temperatures, it looks like they’re about to be pulled out from under us.

The Met Office has issued an update about March’s weather here in the UK and there’s an ‘increasing probability’ of a cold snap arriving soon.

It’s all thanks to a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in which the Arctic’s high-altitude air warms up and pushes a ferocious mass of low-level polar air towards the UK.

From March 2 to 16 (right in time for Mother’s Day on March 17), the Met Office predicts: “Temperatures will likely be around or slightly above average for the whole period, with perhaps colder conditions relative to average more likely later in the period. There remains a small but increasing probability of much colder weather developing as we move further into March.”

Oh good - just as we were ready to pack away our winter layers for another year.

In a blog post the forecaster added that “the latest forecasts are showing that a major SSW is now likely to take place” but added that “it is important to remember that the occurrence of an SSW does not always equate to a ‘Beast from the East’ type scenario.”

Either way, things are about to get chilly in March - pass the thermals.
