Heroic trio perform live-saving CPR after David Lloyd gym-goer suffers suspected heart attack

When a man suffered a suspected heart attack in a gym three young friends sprung into action to save his life.

Will Daley, Isaac Howard and Dylan Singh, were training at David Lloyd Teesside's gym on Saturday when a treadmill user fell ill. Will, 21, said it was around 3pm when the trio were using machines and heard a loud thud on the gym floor.

The former Nunthorpe Academy students said the man - who they believe is in his 50s or 60s - was lying on the floor unresponsive prompting them to jump into action. "Dylan has had lots of training and is very experienced so he ran over straight away," Will explained. "The man was unconscious and wasn't responding but he put him in the recovery position.

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"Isaac and I both ran over but the man started turning blue. It was a bit of a shock to us three as we're only 20 and 21-years-old. Thankfully though Dylan identified it as a heart attack straight away."

Will, of Nunthorpe, said he and Isaac, 20, have received CPR training in their roles in the engineering sector while Dylan, 21, has undergone more extensive training in the Navy. The apprentice process operator said as the friends were carrying out CPR another gym goer ran over and pressed the emergency button.

He said: "His pulse was weak so we started doing chest compressions on rotation. Staff came and evacuated the gym but left us."

He added that staff applied a defibrillator and the North East Ambulance Service were called to the Tees Barrage Way facility. "It was a short time before they came but for us it felt much longer," he continued.

"We were so relieved when they arrived. The paramedics and the gym staff were very thankful. They said we'd saved his life."

Will said the man is being treated in the intensive care unit in hospital.

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