Herschel Walker accuser details 6-year relationship with Senate hopeful, pregnancies, abortion

At a press conference on Tuesday, a woman accusing Georgia Senate candidate Hershel Walker of pressuring her into receiving an abortion read correspondence she claims to have had with Walker during a 6-year relationship. Walker has publicly denied any relationship with the accuser.

Video transcript

- Herschel, I was shocked that you deny even knowing me. We were together for six years. You met my parents on a number of occasions. You met other members of my family. Surely you remember coming to my apartment in Dallas more times than I can count at 1131 Meadow Creek Circle and walking up three flights of stairs in order to be with me.

An April 1993 letter that you hand wrote to my parents, "Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Doe, first, I'd like to say Happy Easter. I wanted to say how I feel about Jane. Sorry I didn't talk to you two when you were in Dallas. My problem is going slow. I don't want to say anything that was wrong. I didn't want you to think I'm a joke. I know now if you two are to understand, I have to say something.

I do love your daughter. And I'm not out to hurt her. She has been a strong backbone for me through all of this. She has not done anything wrong. If you two think what I'm doing is wrong, I will withdraw until I'm out of this mess. I'm sorry if I've put your family through so much. But loving someone sometimes makes you blind. If I have been blind, you two have to tell me. But I do love your Jane. I will always.

I can't ask for you two's blessing because in Gods eyes, I may be wrong. My heart will still love her, and God knows, so-- God knows, so he can't say this is wrong. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. God bless you two and your family, Herschel.

Herschel, you wrote me a letter in the summer of 1993. You wrote, quote, "I am sorry I have put you through all this stuff. You are a great person and a very strong person to have gone through this. I love you, Sam," end quote. Sam was Herschel's alias for himself throughout our relationship. Herschel told me it was apparently in reference to his favorite childhood book, "Cowboy Sam."

Hershel, I never thought you would deny knowing me or our relationship. Are you really willing to do anything, including lying to the voters in Georgia, to become a Senator? Do you have the guts to meet with me in person, in public, look me in the eye, and tell me to my face that you don't know me and that none of what I just said is true? I'm looking forward to your response.