Heywood and Middleton North general election 2024 results in full

General Election 2024 Manchester
-Credit: (Image: Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News)

Labour has won back Heywood and North Middleton from the Tories.

Rochdale councillor Elsie Blundell secured 15,069 to oust the Conservatives to reclaim the seat which was lost in the 2019 general election.

Labour had represented Heywood and Middleton since the constituency was created in 1986, but the Tories successfully breached the so-called ‘red wall’ five years ago.

But this time around, Labour claimed victory with Reform UK finishing second with 8987 votes followed by Conservative candidate Laura-Beth Thompson with 6423 votes.

READ MORE: LIVE: General election 2024 results and updates across Greater Manchester and UK

SPeaking following the win, Ms Blundell said ‘thank you’ to every who voted for Labour for the first time and added it would be the ‘honour of my life’ to represent the community.

Ahead of the election, the sitting MP for the former Heywood and Middleton constituency was Conservative Chris Clarkson. He was one of five Tories to gain a seat from Labour in Greater Manchester during the last general election in 2019.

However, Mr Clarkson decided to step down due to constituency boundary changes dividing the seat in two.

Under new boundaries, the constituency is now called Heywood and Middleton North, with some of South Middleton joining the newly formed Blackley and Middleton South constituency.

Mr Clarkson was instead confirmed as the candidate for a so-called Tory safe seat of Stratford-on-Avon 100 miles away - which was lost to the Liveral Democrats.

Laura-Beth Thompson, who is listed as living in the Lancashire village of Helmshore, became the Conservative candidate in the race to sit in the new Heywood and Middleton North constituency.

The constituency includes the areas Bamford, Castleton, Hopwood Hall, Norden, North Heywood, North Middleton, Spotland and Falinge, West Heywood and West Middleton.

Speaking after her victory, Elsie thanked her family, especially her mum Elizabeth and husband John for their unwavering support and the ‘remarkable’ Labour team for leading an ‘incredibly positive’ campaign.

The new MP said: “There will be many people who voted Labour for the first time in this election. Thank you. I will do everything in my power to deliver the change that you have voted for.

“For everyone here who voted for me, those who voted differently, and those who stayed at home I promise to represent you and be your voice in Parliament. I will always be on your side.

“This is a really warm and welcoming community and it will be the honour of my life to represent it and the people here in Parliament.”

Chris Furlong the Independent came fourth having received 4349 votes, while Tom Shaw of the Lib Dems Party recorded 2302 votes.

Turnout in Heywood and Middleton North was 521% compared to 59.2% in 2019.