'Hi Butt Cheek!' Little Boy Mistakenly Greets Delivery Driver With Rude Nickname

A mischievous boy in Chelmsford, England, who thought he was welcoming his dad home on December 20 instead greeted a delivery driver with a rude nickname.

The amusing footage captured on a doorbell camera shows the driver waiting at the door as little Hugo’s voice chimes through the camera. “Hi butt cheek,” Hugo says, before immediately realizing the man at the door was not his dad. “Oh, sorry!” Hugo says.

The delivery driver took the moment in his stride, joking: “Well, that’s your parcel gone, innit, if you’re going to be rude to the delivery driver.”

Hugo’s mother, Francesca Bose, told Storyful that the name-calling had started just a few moments before as she and her two children were playing a memory game.

“[My daughter] was cheating and hiding my pieces by sitting on them. I then said ‘oi, move your butt cheeks’, which I believe is why [Hugo] said what he said. Just at that point, the doorbell rang with my delivery!” Credit: Francesca Bose via Storyful

Video transcript

- OK. Hi, butt cheek. Oh, sorry.

- Oh it's a delivery driver. Oh! Oh, that's your parcel gone. You can't be rude to the delivery driver.


- Hi, butt cheek. Oh, sorry.

- Oh, it's a delivery driver. Oh! Oh, that's your parcel, gone. You can't be rude to the delivery driver.


- Hi, butt cheek. Oh, sorry.

- Oh it's a delivery driver. Oh! Oh, that's your parcel gone. You can't be rude to the delivery driver.


- Hi, butt cheek. Oh, sorry.

- Oh it's a delivery driver. Oh! Oh, that's your parcel gone. You can't be rude to the delivery driver.