Can you find hidden number 8881 in just 12 seconds? Test your observation skills

-Credit: (Image: FreshersLive)

Brainteasers are a brilliant method to flex your cognitive prowess and perception abilities.

They're touted as a means to enhance memory and kickstart your brain for a productive day, by challenging your capacity to spot hidden anomalies in bustling images, or objects that aren't immediately noticeable.

This puzzle from FreshersLive tasks you with locating the number 8881 amidst a sea of 8831s. To add to the challenge, there's a time constraint of a mere 12 seconds - so you're truly racing against time.

You'll need to scrutinise and dissect the image to pinpoint the number, but bear in mind, this brainteaser imposes a seriously stringent time limit.

The number is expertly camouflaged, making it a mind-bending task. For some, their eye will be instinctively drawn to the anomaly - but for others, it'll be a tougher task to identify the odd number out.

Try to find you find 881 in this sea of digits -Credit:FreshersLive

We'd recommend dividing it into sections, swiftly scanning each part with your eyes to discern where the different number lies. But ensure you're focused, otherwise, it might just slip past you, reports the Mirror.

Be inventive - sometimes, cracking a brain teaser necessitates thinking outside the box. Have you managed to locate the number? It must have been about 12 seconds by now!

Don't scroll down any further unless you want to know the answer. Remember, mastering brain teasers requires practice, so don't be hard on yourself if you can't solve the problem straight away.

Did you manage to spot the 8881?

It was seriously difficult, wasn't it?

You may have spotted it if you started on the left-hand side and worked your way down each column - but some people's eyes would have just glazed over the number regardless. If you keep practicing, you're sure to become a better problem solver over time and you'll be able to spot the odd one out in no time.

If you're struggling, here's the hidden number
Voila - there is the odd man out -Credit:No credit

How long did it take you to solve this brain teaser, if at all? Let us know in the comments. For another challenge, it's said people with eagle-eyed vision can spot hidden letter in a sea of Js.

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