You have a 'high IQ' if you can solve this tennis brainteaser in under 30 seconds

Tennis Puzzle.
This puzzle is pretty tricky -Credit:Betway

A new tennis-themed puzzle will challenge your mind in time for the Madrid Open kicking off this week, with men and women battling it out on the court for the top prize.

The Madrid Open has been in full swing since April 22 and will conclude its final match on May 3. With this in mind, Betway has created a tennis brainteaser to get you in the spirit.

This puzzle challenges readers to find the racket with the broken strings in under 30 seconds - are you ready to put yourself to the test?

The puzzle is full of differently coloured rackets and plenty of tennis balls - and all you have to do is spot the odd one out. It's as simple as that!

Give the puzzle a go below:

Tennis Puzzle.
This puzzle is pretty tricky -Credit:Betway

Well, we did say it was simple but it definitely is more difficult than you'd expect on first glance. Remember, it's the racket's strings that are broken, so don't waste time looking for a broken handle.

Take each section of the puzzle and break it up, checking each racket carefully - this might help you find the answer?

Still struggling? Check the bottom right hand side of the image - this is all the help we can give.

Have a look at the answer below and see if you were right:

Tennis Puzzle Solution.
Did you spot the odd racket out? -Credit:Betway

Did you enjoy that fun little tennis-related brainteaser? Are you satisfied puzzle-wise or are you craving some more mind-bending fun?

Check out some of our other fun puzzles and brainteasers if you aren't done yet. Give this optical illusion a go where you need to find the animals that are hidden among some bright leaves.

Or if you want to prove your high IQ levels, then why not try this breakfast-themed puzzle that has to be completed within 10 seconds.

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