High pressure record broken during dry and sunny weather

The highest air pressure for over 60 years has been recorded in the UK, according to the Met Office.

A reading of 1050.5 hectoPascals (hPa) was recorded at the Mumbles in Swansea, Wales, on Sunday night – making it the highest UK reading since January 1957.

High pressure brought chilly and sunny weather conditions to much of the country over the weekend, with many waking up to frost on Monday morning as temperatures plummeted.

But a spokeswoman at the Met Office said that the rise in pressure “for most of us, means nothing in real terms” and most people “will not notice any difference”.

Nicola Maxey, from the Met Office, said: “I don’t think, as far as most of us are concerned, it has any impact at all.”

The current highest pressure recorded in the UK is 1053.6 hPa, taken in Aberdeen on January 31 1902, which the Met Office says is unlikely to be broken in the current weather spell.

Low pressure leads to unsettled weather conditions and high pressure leads to settled and fine weather conditions, according to the Met Office.

High pressure in the winter leads to cold, dry days, with light winds, and frost overnight if skies are clear.

The mercury dipped to below freezing in the south overnight into Monday, while temperatures in the north were much warmer.

It is due to be another cold and frosty start across much of the UK on Tuesday, particularly in the south, where there could be patches of freezing fog, according to Ms Maxey.

Conditions in north-west England are cloudier, with the chance of an odd shower on higher ground.

Public Health England (PHE) issued a mid-range cold weather alert from Sunday to 6pm on Tuesday, urging people to prepare for cold weather conditions and look out for those most at risk.

The forecaster said the spell of high pressure is not related to Storm Brendan, which caused travel havoc when it hit the UK early last week.