High-tech zone for testing future air travel to be created in Somerset and Devon

An electric two-seater aeroplane
An electric two-seater aeroplane -Credit:Rod Kirkpatrick/F Stop Press

A special aviation zone for testing out future aerospace technologies is set to be created in Somerset and Devon, it has been announced.

The Future Flight Innovation Zone (FFIZ) is being funded by £236,000 from the government and was secured by the now-axed Heart of the South West Local Enterprise partnership (HotSW) through Local Growth Funding.

According to Somerset Council, the FFIZ will form part of a 'Future Aviation Test and Innovation Zone' that is focused around two key sites - iAero in Yeovil and Exeter Airport.

The zone will be used to test and commercialise aerospace tech, such as drones and unmanned aerial vehicles, under real-world conditions. It will also be a testbed for hybrid, electric and hydrogen-powered future flight technologies.

The funding that has been secured will be used for:

  • A dedicated Sand Box with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which will allow up to four companies to seek support from the CAA Innovation Team to help secure certification for the testing and demonstration of their product;

  • Specific CAA Innovation Advisor time to work with FFIZ to help further develop its activities;

  • And funding for future flight testing infrastructure to enable testing and demonstration.

Councillor Ros Wyke, lead member for economic development planning and assets at Somerset Council, said: “This critical piece of work will not only help to decarbonise aerospace but has the potential to bring a much wider financial benefit to the region."

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Councillor Rufus Gilbert, Devon County Council cabinet member for economic recovery and skills, said creating a flight zone in the region would put Devon and Somerset at the "forefront" of decarbonising aviation - and would help the UK reach its net zero targets.

“The sector is a vital part of our region's economy so we must ensure that air travel has a sustainable future. The FFIZ will build on the innovative work already underway at Exeter Airport and Exeter College’s Future Skills Centre and will bring together other partners to help shape the future of the industry," he said.