Hillary Clinton describes Donald Trump as ‘the most dangerous President in history’

<em>Hillary Clinton believes the world should be concerned by Donald Trump (Rex)</em>
Hillary Clinton believes the world should be concerned by Donald Trump (Rex)

Hillary Clinton has launched an astonishing attack on Donald Trump, declaring him to be “the most dangerous President in US history”.

The one-time presidential hopeful said that the “whole world should be concerned” by Trump, who pulled off a shock win against her in the US election last year.

Mrs Clinton was asked whether she stood by her comments made during the election campaign, when she described Trump as the most dangerous White House candidate to ever make a run for the presidency.

<em>Mrs Clinton was beaten to the presidency in a shock election result (Rex)</em>
Mrs Clinton was beaten to the presidency in a shock election result (Rex)

She told the Australia Broadcasting Corporation’s ‘Four Seasons’ programme: “I think he is, because he is impulsive, he lacks self-control, he is totally consumed with how he is viewed, with how people think of him. He is vindictive.”

Asked if Australia should be worried about Trump being the President, she added: “I think the whole world should be concerned.”

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The former First Lady is currently on a book tour promoting ‘What Happened’ where she recounts how she lost the election to Trump, despite being the overwhelming favourite.

She has so far yet to speak out on accusations that Harvey Weinstein – a supporter and contributor to both her campaign and the Democratic party – sexually harassed a number of women.