Hillingdon mum left traumatised after ULEZ vandalism 'causes car accident'

Damage to the side of a black car
-Credit: (Image: Irum Kashmir)

A mum involved in a 'horrific' car accident in Hillingdon alongside her son after ULEZ vandals damaged traffic lights says she has been left traumatised by it. Irum Kashif said that the incident has left her unable to work after the mental trauma and physical consequences of the crash in Yiewsley High Street.

The Met Police have confirmed that since Ms Kashif's crash, another traffic collision occurred at the same High Street junction, near the Aldi store, less than a week later. Transport for London (TfL) said temporary traffic lights have been set up and it is attempting to make a permanent repair.

On May 6 at 1.30pm, Ms Kashif was hit in the side-on crash by another car, resulting in whiplash and a lot of distress for her and her son, who was in the passenger seat. She told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS): "My son and I were coming from a Tesco shopping [trip], approaching the traffic lights carefully. I was rammed from my driver's side by another Somalian lady as she was coming at 40mph.

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A black car pictured from the side as a man stands behind it
Ms Kashmir says she wasn't able to return to her job as a teacher for weeks after the incident -Credit:Irum Kashif

"My first thought in a split second was that the door had crushed inside me and then I heard my son excruciatingly shouting 'Mum' with so much distress."

Although her son was distressed, luckily he wasn't severely injured in the incident. However, Ms Kashif did go to A&E and was attended to by a trauma team and checked for injuries.

"I had a red bruise on my abdomen, headache, neck whiplash and wrist hurting," she said. She added that she had a CT scan and had her bruises checked before being discharged. She said: "[At the] next day follow-up with my GP I asked for sleeping pills to get ease from emotional trauma. I was given Nytol and referral to Hillingdon Talking Therapies. A simple bank holiday innocent Tesco shop turned into a nightmare."

Ms Kashif says she is concerned not enough is being done to ensure motorists are safe using the junction after the cameras stopped working. This was only solidified when she heard news of a second collision that occurred on May 11. This was confirmed by the Met who wrote in a statement: "Police and the London Ambulance Service were called to Yiewsley High Street on the 6th May 2024 at approximately 2pm after there was a report of a road traffic collision involving two vehicles. Injured parties were given first aid by the ambulance service and taken to a nearby hospital. The Metropolitan Police Service investigated this incident; there has been no crime recorded and no one has been arrested.

"There was an unrelated collision at a similar location on 11th May 2024, no party was hurt nor injured. Road safety is of paramount importance to the Metropolitan Police Service, we work tirelessly with local councils and the media to promote road safety so that all residents can feel confident and safe when using our roads."

TfL released a statement confirming that the traffic lights were damaged as a result of ULEZ-related vandalism. A TfL spokesperson said: "We are extremely concerned to hear about this incident, which must have been really frightening for this mother and her son.

"These traffic signals were subject to ULEZ related vandalism which is unacceptable and all incidents on our network are reported to the police for investigation. Temporary traffic lights are in place while we work with the power supplier to carry out permanent repairs to the traffic signals at this location. Criminal damage to traffic signals risks the safety of the public and puts lives at risk."

In January, a six-year-old girl was injured along with her mum in a crash on Court Road, in Orpington, South East London after ULEZ cameras were cut down there and at several other locations the previous night.

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