This “hipster” deconstructed coffee has the Internet hilariously freaking out

This “hipster” deconstructed coffee has the Internet hilariously freaking out

This “hipster” deconstructed coffee has the Internet hilariously freaking out
This “hipster” deconstructed coffee has the Internet hilariously freaking out

When you order a cup of coffee, you expect . . . well, a mug filled with coffee. Maybe it’s black coffee, and you put the milk and sugar in yourself. Maybe it’s a coffee drink that already has it mixed in. But when writer Jamila Rizvi went to a cafe in Melbourne, she received something she didn’t expect — “deconstructed” coffee, or milk, boiled water, and coffee in three separate beakers.

“Sorry Melbourne but no. No no no no no,” Jamila wrote on Facebook, along with a picture of the three beakers. “Hipsterism has gone too far when your coffee comes deconstructed. I just waited almost 20 minutes for an actual cup before realising [sic] it would not be forthcoming. . . I’ll just get a chopping board with a bunch of actual coffee beans and an upside down hat on it.”

Sorry Melbourne but no. No no no no no. Hipsterism has gone too far when your coffee comes deconstructed. I just...

Posted by Jamila Rizvi on Monday, May 30, 2016

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