Work on historic County Durham bridge postponed following community feedback

Work on the Causeway Bridge in Wolsingham has been postponed. <i>(Image: Durham County Council)</i>
Work on the Causeway Bridge in Wolsingham has been postponed. (Image: Durham County Council)

Work on a County Durham bridge has been postponed after residents raised concerns over the development.

Durham County Council announced last week that work would begin on The Causeway Bridge Wolsingham on July 22.

The project would have seen the path closed to pedestrians and traffic for 20 weeks as essential maintenance work was undertaken on the bridge which has stood since 1894.

The council has since confirmed the project has been deferred following feedback from the community – with a view to begin the refurbishment in Spring 2025 instead.

Councillor John Shuttleworth said: “The refurbishment of The Causeway Bridge is essential given its age and to ensure it can continue to be used for many years to come.

“However, it will inevitably cause some disruption and, while there is never a perfect time to undertake major projects of this nature, it is important that we listen to the views of residents and road users.

“We have taken on board all the comments made, particularly around maintaining pedestrian access and the timing of the works, and decided not to start next month as planned.

“Deferring gives us the opportunity to further consider the needs of local residents, businesses and the farming community; and review project delivery.

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“Due to the nature of the work, there will still be an unavoidable requirement for a full closure when the work does take place. However, every effort will be made in the meantime to further review how any impact on local residents and the travelling public can be minimised.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank local residents for their feedback and comments and we will ensure they are updated when there is further news.”

Routine maintenance and structural surveys will continue to ensure the bridge remains safe.