Hit-and-run drink-driver jumped red lights in failed bid to escape

Drink-driver Anatsasio Gikari crashed into another car when more than three-and-a-half times the legal limit. The 35-year-old was seen driving towards a red light in Newcastle at high speed at 8pm on January 6.

Prosecutor Hannah Baddeley told North Staffordshire Justice Centre: "The defendant crashed into the back of the witness' car which caused him to get out and assess the damage. The defendant got out of the driver's seat. The witness said the defendant appeared to be drunk and he smelled strongly of alcohol."

But Gikari then drove off. Miss Baddeley said: "Police found the vehicle after he drove off through a red light. They attempted to pull the car over but the defendant failed to stop for them and then sped up in an attempt to evade the officers.

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"Police pulled him over in Silverdale and arrested him. He was taken to custody where he was breathalysed and gave a reading of 131 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, against the legal limit of 35."

Gikari, of Kinsey Street, Silverdale, pleaded guilty to drink-driving.

Representing himself, Gikari said losing his licence has made it difficult to find work. He said: "Getting any job is a problem. I am really apologetic to the court. I will try my best to be a very good person."

Magistrates sentenced Gikari to a 12-month community order with 100 hours unpaid work. He was banned from driving for 32 months, which will be reduced by 32 weeks if he completes a drink-drivers' rehabilitation course. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.

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