Hollyoaks airs shock fight between Warren and Felix

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On tonight's E4 first-look Hollyoaks (June 20) tensions boiled over between Felix Westwood and Warren Fox, leading to a physical altercation between the two former friends.

Warren (Jamie Lomas) had been attempting to launder money through The Loft, making Ethan Williams (Matthew James Bailey) do his dirty work. But the bag of money Ethan was given soon disappeared from his sight, leaving him no choice but to tell Warren what had happened.

warren fox and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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When Ethan explained to Warren that a man who had ordered a scotch came into the bar and took the bag, he knew immediately it was his and Norma's old adversary Terry Smart (Ryan Pope).

Later, Warren went to the garage to see Felix and Mercedes and tell them the money was gone. After hearing they no longer had the money, Felix reacted angrily, lashing out and knocking all the items off his desk.

Warren told Mercedes Felix is a "liability" but Felix angrily told him he needed to "Back off".

mercedes mcqueen and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Warren then went to meet Norma to tell her that Terry is back and had taken the money. Norma said she'd try to lure Terry to the village but that Warren needed to be careful with him.

When it came to his problems with Felix, Norma advised her son to keep him on side because he knows too many secrets.

Norma's words convinced Warren to let Felix in on everything and get him on board to help get the money back. Warren then had Felix drive him to where he was told Terry would be but Felix wasn't convinced he would show.

When Felix wanted to leave to see Mercedes, Warren took his keys out of the car and told Felix he should be his priority rather than his girlfriend.

Warren then told Felix he was "under the thumb" but just as he said Felix had "turned soft" Terry appeared and Felix got out of the car with a crowbar and demanded Terry return the money.

embargo 25102022 warren fox and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Terry simply said: "Big mistake" and drove off as Warren shouted at Felix to come back to their car.

Felix then went back to the garage where he took out his anger on a punching bag before Warren appeared, telling him that his actions had made things "10 times worse" for them.

When Mercedes tried to intervene, Warren told her to stay out of it, causing Felix to tell him: "Don't speak to my girl like that".

Warren then accused Mercedes of turning Felix into a "jabbering wreck", and added: "DeMarcus would be really proud of you", before Felix punched him in the mouth.

Warren then swung at Felix before pushing him on to a table. Felix then screamed "Hit me" but the episode ended with Warren pulling back his punch as he looked at his former friend's face.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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