Hollyoaks: James is threatened by Kane

Episode 6317

Channel 4 streaming release date: Friday 23 February 2024 at 19:30

E4 airdate: Monday 26 February 2024 at 19:00

Kane discovers that James is Ste's husband. James then receives a visiting order from Kane.

Kane tells James that he knows why he framed him, and in order to keep Romeo safe, he must do as he's told and work for him.

Meanwhile, in the school, Dilly talks to her late father Patrick. Patrick encourages her to video call Sienna and get her down to the school. Sienna begins looking for her troubled sister and is startled when she discovers that Maxine has followed her.

Sienna is determined to help Dilly, so her and Maxine split up to find her. When Sienna faces her sister, she realises she needs medical attention due to her head injury. When she realises that Dilly believes she's speaking to their late father Patrick, the extent of her injuries become clear.

Maxine turns up at the door after hearing Sienna's calls. Together they try to make Dilly aware of the manipulation and control Patrick had on all of them. With the pain winning, Dilly collapses.

Elsewhere, Tom is still planning to renew his vows with Yazz but is keeping her in the dark about his plans. Anxiously awaiting to hear about the decision that's been made, and unable to keep it from him any longer, Yazz tells Tom that she has applied for a job in Canada. While Yazz helps Zain, Tom sees an email come through offering his wife the job.

Also today, a joke at Lucas' expense referring to his sexuality has him rattled during a pep talk before a football game. Lucas asks Frankie out for a burger, which leads to a fight between him and JJ. Lucas tells Dillon about his dad's relapse. When it looks like the two teens are about to share a kiss, Scott walks in, resulting in Lucas running off.

Writer: Richard Burke

Director: Will Herbert

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