Hollyoaks previews shock arrests in 16 new spoiler pictures

diane hutchinson with the police in hollyoaks
Hollyoaks reveals shock arrests in 16 picturesLime Pictures

Coming up on Hollyoaks, Diane Hutchinson is left devastated as she's caught out for drink-driving.

Elsewhere, Suzanne Ashworth and Cindy Cunningham clash over the past.

Our 16-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store. All dates refer to the early release days on Channel 4 Streaming.

Monday, March 4: Cindy sees Suzanne at The Dog

They're still not on good terms, following the recent row over Cindy paying off Suzanne to leave town in 2011.

cindy cunningham in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Cindy and Suzanne bicker again

They're unable to let go of the past.

cindy cunningham and suzanne ashworth in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: The dispute starts to get out of hand

Harsh words are exchanged.

cindy cunningham and suzanne ashworth in hollyoaks
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Monday, March 4: Diane returns home to The Dog

She's unhappy to walk in on the argument.

cindy cunningham, diane hutchinson and suzanne ashworth in hollyoaks
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Monday, March 4: Cindy takes the bust-up to another level

She throws wine in Suzanne's face.

cindy cunningham and suzanne ashworth in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Kitty watches on

The Dog's new barmaid is shocked by the row.

kitty draper in hollyoaks
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Monday, March 4: Diane's busy day continues

After dealing with the situation at the pub, she rushes to pick Tony up.

tony and diane hutchinson's car in hollyoaks
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Monday, March 4: Diane makes a big mistake

Rushing to get home to Rose, Diane runs a red light and this is spotted by passing police.

tony and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: The police follow Tony and Diane

With the officers catching up with them, there's only a small amount of time to discuss the situation.

tony and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Diane makes a desperate plea

She asks Tony to say that he was the one driving, as she had wine at lunch.

tony and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Tony is put on the spot

He wonders whether to cover for his wife.

tony and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Diane is frightened over the consequences

The police turn up to demand answers.

tony and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: A police officer asks questions

It's quickly revealed that Diane was indeed the one driving.

diane and tony hutchinson with the police in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Diane is ashamed of herself

She knows that she's about to be caught out.

diane hutchinson with the police in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Diane takes a breathalyser test

She's ultimately arrested for driving over the limit.

diane hutchinson with the police in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Monday, March 4: Tony steps in to protect Diane

This leads to him also being put in cuffs.

diane hutchinson and tony hutchinson with the police in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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