Hollyoaks spoilers: Dilly falls into Ste and Sienna's TRAP!

 Ste and Sienna confront Dilly in Hollyoaks .
Ste and Sienna confront Dilly in Hollyoaks .

It could be game over for Dilly Harcourt (Emma Johnsey-Smith) when Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson) rumbles her evil plot against Sienna Blake (Anna Passey) in tonight's Hollyoaks at 7pm (see our TV Guide for full listings).

Dilly and Lord Rafe (Chris Gordon) have played a blinder in convincing everyone they're brother and sister, when in fact they're a married couple hell-bent on taking down Sienna.

Having done her best to turn Maxine Minniver (Nikki Sanderson) against Sienna, devious Dilly decides it's time work on her soon-to-be sister-in-law's bestie, Ste.

So while Rafe reminds Sienna they only want people who support them at their wedding, Dilly invites Ste out for a drink on the pretence of wanting to find out more about the woman who's marrying her 'sibling'.

Ste rumbles Dilly's game
Ste rumbles Dilly's game

Ste's no fool though, and it doesn't take him long to realise Dilly is up to no good when she starts digging for dirt on Sienna.

Deciding to play Dilly at her own game, Ste reveals he's got a mate who would be willing share all the sordid details of Sienna's past.

He makes out he's messaging that person, but in fact calls Sienna, summoning her to the pub.

Moments later, Dilly's got some serious explaining to do when she's confronted by an unimpressed Sienna, who wants to know why she's got it in for her.

How will she worm her way out of this one?

Peri thinks Romeo is guilty
Peri thinks Romeo is guilty

Across the village, Peri Lomax (Ruby O'Donnell) confesses everything to boyfriend Romeo Nightingale (Owen Warner), and the couple decide to go on the run.

Hunter McQueen (Theo Graham) is on to them though, and realises they know more about the murder of Rayne Royce (Jemma Donovan) than they're letting on.

Determined not to let his brother Prince (Malique Thompson-Dwyer) go down for a crime he didn't commit, Hunter hatches a plan to stop Peri and Romeo leaving.

They agree to join Hunter for a drink, but when Hunter reveals how much Prince is struggling in prison, guilty Peri makes out she needs some air and rushes off.

Hunter follows, and listens in as distressed Peri speaks to a picture of her late girlfriend, Juliet Nightingale.

Is she about to confess to murder?

Leela tells Joel she's pregnant
Leela tells Joel she's pregnant

Back at the Lomax's, Leela (Kirsty Leigh-Porter) discovers the letter her young son Daniel wrote to Santa asking for a baby brother or sister.

Deciding it's time she told Joel Dexter (Rory Douglas-Speed) the truth, Leela comes clean to her boyfriend and reveals she's pregnant.

Elated Joel feels as if all his Christmases have come at once and gives Leela a huge hug, clearly elated with the prospect of becoming a father.

Will his enthusiasm help ease Leela's doubts over having another baby?

Hollyoaks airs Monday - Friday on E4 at 7pm.