Hollyoaks spoilers tease Misbah's exit, Kitty rumbled and Roscoe showdown

Hollyoaks spoilers tease Misbah's exit, Kitty rumbled and Roscoe showdown

Chester is never short of drama, and next week's Hollyoaks episodes promise to be no different, with one character even planning to bid farewell to the chaos.

Misbah Maalik, played by Harvey Virdi, reveals her intentions to relocate permanently to Scotland. She tries to convince her nephew Dillon Ray (Nathaniel Dass) that it's a good idea, but he insists on staying put for Lucas Hay (William Hall).

Misbah argues that they're too young for a relationship, leading to a heated disagreement.

Zain, portrayed by Jonas Khan, questions Misbah's decision to leave Dillon behind, but she remains resolute in her mission to salvage their marriage. Dillon later confesses to Lucas that he doesn't want to lose him.

Misbah makes a bold plan in next week's Hollyoaks
Misbah makes a bold plan in next week's Hollyoaks -Credit:Lime Pictures

Louis Emerick's character Donny Clark wishes Misbah well and promises not to stand in her way, but Marie Fielding (Rita Simons) and Cindy Cunningham (Stephanie Waring) express doubts about the move and the implications for Dillon, reports the Daily Star.

Dillon assures Lucas that he won't be going anywhere, and in an act of rebellion, they enjoy a daytime drinking session with friends. However, they are soon caught skipping school by Misbah.

After a heart-to-heart with Dillon, Misbah makes a surprising announcement she no longer wants to move to Scotland. But Zain presents her with an ultimatum.

In other news, Kitty Draper (Iz Hesketh) has been keeping some secrets, but it appears they might soon come to light. With new evidence surfacing from the family cabin where Declan was murdered, Kitty plans to destroy her ID card and a cherished childhood doll that ties her to her previous identity as Ivan Shaw.

She's planning to torch the items along with some rubbish, but her housemate Diane Hutchinson (Alex Fletcher) is growing suspicious of Kitty's strange behaviour. With the police at The Dog, Kitty is forced to confess what's happening - but will she tell the truth?

In other news, Robbie Roscoe (Charlie Wernham) is gearing up to confront Hannah Ashworth's (Emma Rigby) enigmatic blackmailer in upcoming scenes. Since returning to the village earlier this year, Hannah has been embroiled in plenty of plots.

She's turned to sex work and joined forces with Robbie who also recently made a dramatic comeback to the soap to swindle clients by nicking their wallets.

Dave Williams (Dominic Power) has become Hannah's primary target since he first became her client. She tried to convince him their relationship was genuine while Robbie posed as her aggressive boss.

In episodes airing next week, Suzanne Ashworth (Suzanne Hall) advises her daughter to break things off with Dave, knowing about their affair. As Hannah insists to Dave that their bond is more than just business, he breaks down and rejects her.

While Hannah is dealing with her own issues, Robbie informs her that he's too preoccupied caring for Lexi to get involved in her problems. Later on, at the hotel, Robbie stumbles upon a note from Hannah, revealing she's being blackmailed and has decided to keep a low profile to prevent her family from discovering her actions.

Robbie discloses to Hannah that he's aware of who's blackmailing her and confronts Dave, who denies any involvement, while Rex remains a potential suspect. Hannah appeals to Robbie's emotions for assistance, and he advises her to inform the blackmailer that she has the money and to set up a meeting.

Robbie arrives at the arranged location and assaults a man concealed by a hood it turns out to be his brother Freddie. Later, tensions rise between Robbie and Freddie, but is he the one blackmailing Hannah?

Hollyoaks airs weeknights on E4 at 7pm and first look episodes can be streamed Channel 4 at 7.30pm