New Holywood school approved despite opposition from locals and Greens

A new integrated school campus has been approved for Holywood in North Down, despite opposition from locals and the Greens Party.

Elected representatives at the latest meeting of the Ards and North Down Council Planning Committee agreed to an application by the Education Authority NI for the erection of a new post-primary school with a car park, bus drop-off area and playing pitches with floodlighting.

The site for the major application is the former Redburn Primary School site, Old Holywood Road, Holywood. It will house the new campus for Priory Integrated College.

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The existing Priory Integrated College is a co-educational integrated college presently located at My Lady’s Mile in Holywood and has approximately 600 pupils aged between 11 and 18 years old on a 1.96 hectare site. The former Redburn Primary School closed in 2012.

The council states: “The current accommodation falls considerably short of the Department of Education’s schedule of accommodation for a 600 pupil post primary school.”

The council’s planning officer recommended the application for approval. The planning report states: “The application exceeds one hectare and is classed as a major development requiring a pre-application community consultation, which has been carried out.

“The proposal is part of an Education Authority programme including a much needed new campus for Priory Integrated College in Holywood. The facility for the post primary school includes special educational needs accommodation, school meals accommodation, playgrounds, sports fields and associated parking and infrastructure to support a long-term enrolment of 600 pupils on the application site.”

It adds: “Part of the site is designated as open space (but policy) allows for loss of open space where substantial community benefits, which will outweigh the loss, will arise - such as educational facilities.

Stormont ’s Department for Infrastructure Roads Division is content with the proposal (and has) considered that the proposed layout and car parking is a beneficial arrangement, with ample car parking and on site turning for buses, drop off, pick up points.

“The right hand turning lane is to improve safety and ensure a convenient flow of traffic along the Old Holywood Road. The new access proposed (provides) improved visibility, width and turning radii to allow safe entry and exit of all school associated vehicles.”

The report adds: “The proposed new scheme includes separate football and rugby pitches which as like all school projects, the aim will always be to promote a wider use of the facilities to the wider community and therefore there will still be an area of local amenity provided.

“A landscaping scheme has been submitted as part of the application and proposes to retain and augment all existing boundary planting on the site, which will help the scheme to integrate into the surrounding area.”

The application received no objections from the statutory consultees. There were 11 letters of objection received by the council, from 10 separate addresses.

Objectors raised issues concerning the impact of the development on traffic, parking and road safety, as well as the impact on the character of the area. Overlooking and loss of privacy, as well as noise, nuisance and general disturbance issues were also raised.

Objectors questioned the layout and design of the building, and the impact of the building on the local visual amenity. They also voiced concerns about the impact on wildlife, the impact on Redburn Country Park, the loss of green/open space, and the potential loss of trees.

The Planning Officer referred to these objections, stating in the report: “DfI Roads is content with the proposal. The site is well served by public transport and cycling and walking is actively encouraged.

“A transport assessment was submitted and deemed acceptable by DfI Roads. The proposed school has been designed to a high level and will not have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area, particularly given a previous school existed on the same site. It will not cause an unacceptable impact on the visual amenity of the area.

“The layout and design of the school is acceptable and it will not cause unacceptable impacts to adjacent residential properties in terms of overlooking or loss of privacy.

"The council’s Environmental Health Department has considered the proposed school and does not consider it will cause any unacceptable impacts to nearby residential properties regarding noise, nuisance and other disturbance. Conditions have been recommended to ensure this is the case.

“DAERA’s Natural Environment Division has been consulted regarding potential impacts to the environment, wildlife and biodiversity and is content with the proposal subject to conditions. There will be no significant impacts caused to the adjacent country park as a direct result of the proposed school.”

Despite the council officer’s recommendation, the Green party said they would not be supporting the application.

Green Councillor Lauren Kendall said at the committee meeting: “Putting floodlights for pitches on the Country Park side seems counterproductive to preserving the species and the natural habitat there.”

She questioned the planned artificial materials in the pitch surface, and said they would “not be sustainable” in the light of incoming European regulations which would make such materials obsolete.

Councillor Kendall said: “Priory College absolutely needs a school, and absolutely needs up-to-date modern facilities that are energy efficient. But I can’t wholly support it.

“I think DfI Roads must have reviewed that site with their eyes closed in the dark of night. Already the traffic is backed up on that Old Holywood Road as it stands in the winter, way back beyond Palace Barracks.

“I wholly respect that the plans for the site have been adapted, and that some of that flow of traffic has been attempted to be dealt with. But I think it will cause significant safety issues - there are blind turns there. The turn at the cemetery is blind, the next turn is also blind, and people cannot see pulling out there as it is.”

She added: “I don’t necessarily disagree with the school being at that site, but I think it needs further work.”

Alliance Councillor Patricia Morgan raised questions about the road safety of the area and potential cycle lanes. She said: “There is no point in having lovely cycleways in the school, if you can't get your cycle (there). If you are a parent you aren’t going to let your children cycle on a road that is not safe.”

DUP Councillor Peter Martin proposed the application for approval by the committee. He said: “I think it is a really exciting design. I think it is clever with the parking, traffic flow, and while I do recognise some of the concerns residents would have in terms of a new and chunky school beside them, this school would be of substantial community benefit.

“Priory have done outstanding work in not-fit-for-purpose conditions, in a really cramped site, for way too long. So I am thrilled to propose this.”

On a non-recorded vote there was majority support in favour of the application.

Pics from council, permitted use for all.

Captions by Michael Kenwood 1. Artist's impression of the new school in Holywood 2. Site for new Holywood school

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