Home and Away: Felicity confronts Tane over Harper

Episode 8164

UK airdate: Thursday 15 February 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Thursday 16 November 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Following Tane's training session with Harper, Felicity intercepts him, handing across a box of precious items he left at the house. She watches as he unpacks, but instead of stirring an emotional response, he places their wedding photos face down.

When Harper joins Tane, he shares with her the photos of his family, and explains the Korowai. This enrages Felicity and she confronts Harper, demanding she stay away from her husband. Harper bites back and Tane has to step in to separate them.

Tane walks Felicity home, where she asks him outright whether Harper is one of the girls he's been sleeping with. Tane responds with anger, warning that she doesn't get to ask him that and it's time she accepted that he's not her husband anymore.

Meanwhile, Kirby is full of energy and feeling inspired. She channels her energy toward what's next for the band and heads to Justin to action some plans. However, Justin is in an unusually dismissive mood. Dogged, Kirby travels with him to the garage where she continues to fire off ideas, until an impatient Justin calls it off, sending Kirby on her way.

Justin is equally dismissive of Roo, whose attempts to organise an engagement party for result in him revealing the cause of his foul mood. Leah's not ready to get married. In fact, she has postponed the wedding.

Elsewhere, John's departure from the position of Surf Club Manager has caused Alf to be inundated with extra workload, and even the juice bar is closed. Roo offers a solution that until John come to his senses, she fills the position.

Whilst Alf is grateful for the help and puts her straight to work, John takes the news he's been replaced by someone unqualified as insult to injury. But despite his frustrations with the Surf Club Committee, he guides Roo to a binder that reveals Surf Club secrets. Later, Irene tells her friend that Roo's just looking out for him, and she's not the only one.

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