Home and Away: Kirby opens up over her past

Episode 8080

UK airdate: Friday 08 September 2023 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Wednesday 19 July 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Justin has made headway in booking a venue for Lyrik's album launch, aided by the well-connected Mackenzie. When Theo catches on that things have been unravelling with Kirby, and now Leah is involved, he is worried it's about to get worse.

Kirby walks out on Leah, vowing to quit her job at the Diner. Theo, Justin and Leah agree that they've all made the bad situation worse. Kirby makes it clear for Theo and Justin that they will only have purely professional relationships from now on.

Later, Kirby takes a moment by the ocean to process and Mackenzie catches up to her. Kirby opens up about her troubled history with surfing, and the brush with fate that left a lasting inability to go out in the swell.

Together, they get her a board and a wetsuit. Kirby's going to paddle out and face this fear while Mackenzie will be there watching the whole time. Kirby works hard, resilient against the waves while Mackenzie cheers from the sidelines. Kirby emerges from the surf with a new sense of courage. Theo catches the end of her ride, astonished. He wonders why she would have kept such a big secret from him all this time.

Meanwhile, Irene is distracted at work. The sudden resignation of Kirby caught her off guard, but Marilyn knows John's moving out is really what's steering her train of thoughts. A walk along the beach gives Irene a chance to share her thoughts.

Irene explains that, for someone that thrives on the company of others, she spends a lot of time on her own. She does have so many friends that love and care for her, and she doesn't want to complain, but Irene never really saw her life turning out like this.

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