Home and Away: Mackenzie fears for her health

Episode 8170

UK airdate: Friday 23 February 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Thursday 23 November 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

With Remi's words ringing in her ears, Felicity resolves to do the right thing and announces that she's going to make things right with Harper and Mac. She approaches Harper first and offers a sincere apology. Harper's quick to point out that she's not romantically invested in Tane, but Felicity replies that it's not her business if she is. They're okay, so the first apology on the tour a success.

Next stop is Mackenzie's. Felicity tells her friend how badly she feels about their fight, and how glad she is that Mac's okay following her heart attack. Mac accepts the apology too, and Felicity even works up the courage to ask for her wedding photo back from Tane.

Later, Mackenzie is up late doom scrolling as she's paranoid about the likelihood of her suffering another SCAD episode. It seems she may be right to be worried when she suffers chest pain the next morning. Knocking on Tane's door, she orders him to call an ambulance – she's having another heart attack.

Meanwhile, Eden is also trying to smooth things over with Cash – she shouldn't have taken her issues with her brother out on her boyfriend. But Eden is disheartened when Cash suggests he go away for a few days, without her. He reasons that they've been spending a lot of time together since his suspension, so maybe they need some time apart.

Later, Eden suggests that rather than spending less time together, they just need to do things differently. Cash admits he'd prefer not to go away – he doesn't want to spend a day without her.

Elsewhere, Justin is feeling Leah's absence and can't help but blame himself for not noticing her decline in mental health. Alf reassures him – if Leah didn't know this was happening to her, then how could he? Later, Kirby visits Justin to take his mind off things, but as they're looking at song lyrics, Justin finds the piece that she and Theo were going to surprise him with at the wedding. Clearly emotional, Justin asks to hold onto the song.

That night, as Justin lies sleepless in bed, he reaches for the lyrics, and the next morning, he has a proposition for Kirby – they should work on finishing the song together.

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