Home and Away's Lynne McGranger suffers facial injuries after road fall

Lynne McGranger shocked social media with her bloody face - Instagram-Lynne McGranger credit:Bang Showbiz
Lynne McGranger shocked social media with her bloody face - Instagram-Lynne McGranger credit:Bang Showbiz

Lynne McGranger shocked friends and family with her facial injuries after she “face planted on the road”.

The ‘Home and Away’ star - who has played Irene Roberts since 1993 on the Australian soap - took to social media to share a selfie of her bloody face, the aftermath of taking a tumble on the road while she was taking a breather from prepping her daughter’s upcoming nuptials.

The 70-year-old soap veteran wrote on Instagram: “One minute walking your daughter and son-in-law's dog with your MOG (mother of the groom) Nek minit you’ve face planted the road,” before adding a string of laughing emojis, showing she saw the amusing side of her fall.

Her co-star Sarah Roberts, 38, commented: “Oh gosh Lynnie! Sending love - I was hoping that was onset makeup.”

Their colleague Ethan Browne, 32, added: “Damn, that looks pretty badass! Hope you're all good though Lynne.”

TV presenter Myf Warhurst, 50, wrote: “Oh take care of yourself x.”

‘My Kitchen Rules’ star Blake Proud, 34, added: “OMG. We hope you’re okay.”

Lynne gave fans an insight into her life in her 2021 memoir, ‘Acting Up: Me, Myself and Irene’, about how she has battled drug addiction and an eating disorder.

At the time of the book being published, she told Digital Spy: “To be honest, if there was any chance of me hurting someone's feelings – or worse, getting sued – I've changed their name.

"With some past friendships, past acquaintances, people who may have come into my life and not left the greatest impression, I've changed names. I haven't used their real name if I was going to offend anybody.

"I didn't just want to do it about ‘Home and Away’ because my life up until then was very full as well with lots of life lessons in it.

"It's certainly not squeaky clean, the book, but it's not a tell-all. It's a tell-some."