Homes Under The Hammer's Martin Roberts shares emotional tribute and says 'it's really tough'

Martin Roberts
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Instagram Martin Roberts))

Martin Roberts, the popular host of Homes Under The Hammer, shared a touching video on social media in memory of his father, who passed away more than a year ago.

The BBC television personality, 60, had previously broken the news of his dad's passing in March 2023, revealing that his 90-year-old father had departed peacefully at his own home. Today, Martin acknowledged his second Father's Day without his dearly missed father and confessed that his sorrow hasn't eased.

Delivering an emotional message in the video, Martin said: "I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Father's Day and special thoughts to you if, like me, your dad isn't around for whatever reason."

"I know that it is really tough and, yeah, today is going to be a real struggle," reports the Express. "I guess we just have to focus on those happy memories we have got and pick a particularly daft, silly or memorable thing and focus on that."

"Know that, I guess, they are up there looking down at us. Happy Father's Day." Many of Martin's 54,000 followers quickly responded to share their sympathy with him.

One supporter wrote: "I'm sure sir he'd want you to have several pints in the sun and smile and laugh at all your favourite times - a day to celebrate him not mourn him." Echoing his sentiment, another follower said: "Thinking of you Martin. I lost my dad when I was 27, I'm 55 now and I still miss him so much, but remembering happy times."

A third person reflected: "I lost my dad nearly 18 years ago. The pain never goes away, you learn to live with it. But it's so hard." In response to the bereavement, one fan commented: "One of the unfortunate things in life is losing loved ones, I have lost both my parents but still have all the good memories, plus we always have each other on here."

Martin touched the hearts of his fans last year when he emotionally announced his father's passing. In an incredibly moving video clip, Martin admitted: "So, erm, I don't really know if I should be posting this video or not, but I guess people deal with things in different ways."

"This is a very private thing, but I kind of just need to surround myself with as many people as I can right now. My dad died yesterday. He was 90 and he had a cracking life and he died peacefully at home.

"He wasn't in pain. It does help but it doesn't help right now. The loss of a parent is, you know, something we all have to deal with...but right now I feel really alone and horrible. So, any words you have got, erm, would be appreciated."

After watching Martin's heartfelt appeal, fans rallied around, sending their messages of support. One wrote: "You are not alone, Martin. Sending love and sympathy."