Honley Show prepares for 'record-breaking' event as tickets go on sale

Cannon Hall Blossom and her foal Cannon Hall Valentine
-Credit: (Image: Honley Show)

Honley Show is preparing for a "record-breaking" event this weekend as tickets go on sale for the Saturday show.

Held on June 29, the event will once again be taking place at the Farnley Tyas Showground and the show's organisers have promised a "rip-roaring" event with "record entries" in both horse sections. They have also said their ticket sales for cattle and goats have been very strong, in addition to their online ticket sales.

This year, the layout of the show has been revised, with new horse sections and the return of The Kennel Club affiliated dog show, which has not been at the show for six years.

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Those in attendance will. be able to see the heavy horses hosted on the main field close to the entrance, with these animals also appearing in the main ring for their championship classes. A number of entries are participating, including the mare Cannon Hall Blossom and her foal Valentine, who both appeared on the Channel 5 show 'The Yorkshire Vet'.

Meanwhile the light horse section has its own dedicated area, with six rings so there is something to see for everyone. Both horse sections will accept entries on the day so there is plenty of time to enter your own animals.

The one-day show will also feature competitions in most of the animal classes, handicrafts, food and drink stalls and entertainment. There will be trade stands which sell everything ranging from jam to new cars. Milk from the Hills are also participating this year with an interactive stand.

Ian Holmes, The Honley Agricultural Show Society President
Ian Holmes, The Honley Agricultural Show Society President -Credit:Honley Show

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Early Bird tickets are now available until the day before the show, with advance tickets costing £18 for adults. Kids also go free if you buy the day before the show (today). On the day tickets cost £20 for adults and £3 for kids.

The show's new President for this year, Ian Holmes. said: "I am very much looking forward to my first show as President on Saturday. Over the past year I have witnessed at close quarters the huge amount of effort that the volunteer committee put in to making this show the excellent event that it is.

"I know they have a fabulous show planned for this year and we’re really looking forward to seeing faces old and new so do come along."