Hounslow Council approves plan to demolish 'last' local car wash and replace it with flats

Mr Lemon Car Wash pictured from the outside
Mr Lemon Car Wash is the 'last' car wash in Lower Feltham and is set to be demolished -Credit:Google Maps

Hounslow Council has approved planning permission for six flats and a retail unit to be built on a car wash site described as the last remaining one in the area. The development will see a three-storey building constructed in its place which includes a 376 square metre ground-floor retail unit as well as four, one-bedroom and two, two-bedroom flats.

It will also include an associated servicing bay, vehicle crossover to the High Street, car and cycle parking, amenity areas and landscaping following the demolition of the existing buildings. The plans have raised some eyebrows with 12 objectors submitting comments.

In particular, there were issues with the area's need for a car wash in comparison to more housing. The council's report on the development listed objections which included comments like 'there is already a large supply of unsold flats and houses', and the plan 'would result in the loss of the car wash of which there is no other alternative locally'.


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The car wash, known as Mr Lemon Car Wash, does appear to be the only one of its kind in the Lower Feltham area. The nearest car wash is one and a half miles away - near North Feltham.

However, in the council's notes about the complaint, it was suggested that other sites had been considered for the development, and this site was deemed to be appropriate. As part of the application, council officer Leon Machisa said that highway improvements would be secured through a Section 106 agreement.

He also specified that the retail space would have loading restrictions enforced to ensure it didn't take place outside the hours of 7am- 10pm on weekdays and 9am- 1pm on weekends. Mr Machisa also assured councillors that extra soundproofing was being requested for the residential spaces to dampen noise coming from the retail area. It's not been announced yet whether a business is already lined up to take the retail unit. The council approved the scheme after a unanimous vote.

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