House and car smashed up in ‘targeted’ Birmingham attack - but family does not know why

A family in Birmingham were awoken by a terrifying attack on their home by ten armed men who smashed up their windows and car. It happened in Lyons Grove in Sparkhill at around 1am yesterday, Saturday, May 18.

A black Mercedes drove into the street and appeared to check the road before leaving. It returned along with a blue Volkswagen Golf minutes later with the masked men jumping out, one of the victims said.

The men were dressed in black and carrying ‘machetes, baseball bats and rocks’, They smashed up a Citroën on the drive and all the windows at the front of the house. A woman sleeping downstairs was hurt when a brick hit her arm and shards of glass left her bleeding.

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Resident Uzzy, who did not want to give his second name, was at home with his mother, younger sisters, aged five and 15, and his sister-in-law when the attack happened. He said he was told by police it was a ‘targeted attack’ with the group believed to have been told to smash the house up.

The 18-year-old told BirminghamLive: “A Mercedes came up the road and then came back with a Golf. Ten men got out. Three attacked the car and seven the house. They had balaclavas on, face masks and gloves on. They had machetes, baseball bats and rocks.

“All the front house windows were smashed. My sister-in-law was sleeping in a room downstairs and they threw bricks through the window and one hit her on the arm. She was bleeding from the glass.

“They also smashed up my brother’s car but didn’t do anything to mine. It’s the first time this has happened on my road. The police said it was a targeted attack ‘done though a third party.

“I have no clue why they did it, I’m trying to become a police officer, my younger brother is at boarding school. My older brother hasn’t done anything.”

The family had to cover the damaged windows with sheets. The father of the family was due to return home later yesterday. Uzzy turned detective to find footage from neighbours of cars coming and going from the street, showing they arrived at around 12.55am and left shortly after 1am.

“I shouted at them from the window,” he said. “I was screaming so the whole road could hear. And they looked up at me. As soon as they saw me they ran away and left in the cars parked down the road.

“Now everyone in the house has trauma. It’s a family house. I have two little sisters. My brother lives next door. We are scared. You never know it might happen again.”

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A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: “We are investigating after criminal damage at an address in Lyons Grove, Birmingham. Shortly after 1am on 18 May, a number of people arrived and smashed windows as well as damaging a car parked outside.

“Anyone who saw anything, or has any footage of what happened can contact us via 101 or Live Chat quoting crime number 20/505193/24.” Alternatively, anyone with any details can contact independent charity, Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.