How confident are you that things will improve under Labour? Have your say

The votes have been counted and we have a new prime minister, but how do you feel now the election is over?

Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria on the steps of No 10 Downing Street. (Photo by James Manning/PA Images via Getty Images)
Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria on the steps of No 10 Downing Street. (PA Images via Getty Images)

After weeks of election campaigning – and 14 years of Conservative rule – the UK has a new government.

Sir Keir Starmer secured an historic scale of victory with Labour claiming the biggest parliamentary majority since Tony Blair's landslide win in 1997.

The party made significant gains throughout the UK, overturning the SNP's dominance in Scotland and flipping a host of previously safe Tory seats, such as Hexham, in Northumberland, and South West Norfolk, where former prime minister Liz Truss was ousted.

But there were also huge boosts for the Liberal Democrats, who had their best election ever, as well as the Green Party and Reform UK.

However, turnout across the country stood at just 60% by the time ballot boxes were sealed, the second lowest in a UK election since 1885 and only slightly higher than the 59% recorded in 2001.

And Labour's share of the national vote barely moved from 2019 – despite winning roughly double the number of seats it managed under Jeremy Corbyn.

In his first speech as prime minister, Starmer promised to rebuild trust in politics and restore hope to the nation. "We need to move forward together," he said. "Now this wound, this lack of trust can only be healed by actions not words, I know that."

So how long will his honeymoon period last?

On Friday, YouGov released polling figures showing that, shortly before his ascension to Number 10, half of Britons (49%) said they didn't know what he stood for. Some 57% said he would be “much like previous prime ministers”. A previous poll showed one in three (36%) have a favourable view of the Labour leader, compared to 54% who have an unfavourable opinion.

But what do you think? Do you think things will improve under Keir Starmer's new Labour government?