Huge cut to Leicester children's centres proposed

Cuts of £550,000 prompt consultation on children's centres
Cuts of £550,000 prompt consultation on children's centres -Credit:Getty

Children's centres in Leicester are facing huge cuts, meaning some of the existing buildings will be closed. Leicester City Council has launched a consultation on the proposed cut of around £550,000 in funding.

The city council currently runs 12 centres for children, young people and families, but has said it needs to make the proposed savings due to "ongoing cuts in Government funding and unprecedented pressures facing local authority finances". Deputy city mayor Councillor Sarah Russell said the consultation had been launched because the council needed to understand how any potential changes would affect families that use the centres, and which alternative venues could work, before the council makes any decisions about closing any.

It comes after the city's adventure playgrounds were told by the council that money had been set aside for them for the upcoming financial year of 2024/25, but that beyond that, their future was uncertain. Meanwhile, special educational needs young people aged 16-19 have also been advised that their funding would be withdrawn for transport to school when the current term finishes.

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In 2017, Leicester City Council said it had to cut the number of local children’s centres from 23 to 12 due to national cuts in the Government grant that funded them. The centres offer a range of early help services in the community to support parents and carers to give their child the best start in life.

In relation to the latest proposed cuts, Coun Russell, who leads on social care and early help, said: “Like other councils across the country we are facing the inevitable consequences of years of Government cuts to our funding. The reality is that we are dealing with the worst financial position that the council has ever faced and can no longer protect all of services from cuts. Unfortunately, that means making some very difficult decisions about how we fund our early years services over the next few years.

“Lots of local families really value and benefit from the advice, activities and support on offer at the city’s Children, Young People and Families Centre. That’s why we are so determined to reshape these services in a way that will ensure that this help is available in local communities despite the need to make budget cuts.

“We need to understand how any potential changes will affect families that use our children’s centres – and which alternative venues could work – before we make any decisions about closing centres. That’s why it’s important that people let us have their views by taking part in this consultation.

“We know that we can successfully reshape our children’s centres in face of Government cuts. Unfortunately, this is the not the first time we’ve had to face the consequences of underfunding of these valuable community hubs.”

The consultation is open until June 9 and can be found on Leicester City Council's website. Search for "children, young people and families centres".