Huge Smithfield plan to transform Birmingham city centre deferred - here's why

Revised proposals for the huge Smithfield development in Birmingham have been deferred amid concerns over its open spaces. Dubbed as a ‘once in a generation opportunity’ to reshape the city centre, the Smithfield plans intend to transform the former Birmingham wholesale market site near the Bullring shopping centre into a thriving new destination with new leisure and cultural spaces.

The site could potentially boast residential buildings, office space, retail, a pub/bar, a market, a theatre/cinema, a park and much more according to a planning application discussed by the city council’s planning committee today, May 16. Lendlease, a global real estate group behind the venture, previously said it wanted Smithfield to be a celebration of Birmingham’s heritage while the city council said it could help drive Brum’s international standing and reputation

However, after the original proposals were submitted to the council in December 2022, Historic England raised concerns over the plans, arguing it would disturb significant medieval remains. The developers behind the enormous project later submitted a revised planning application, saying the original proposed development had been “reviewed and refined”.

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It added that in June 2023 the plans were amended so that Festival Square, previously described as a major new public space, would be renamed Manor Square and moved north. As highlighted in a report published last week however, Conservative councillor Gareth Moore argued the planning application needed to be “urgently revised again” to ensure that the square is the “large scale, high capacity event space as was originally intended.”

The report acknowledged there had been objection to the scheme regarding the size of the public square and its ability to be used for events such as Pride. “There is no planning policy requirement for the square to be of a minimum size or hold any particular events,” it continued.

“Nonetheless, the estimated capacity for events in Manor Square is 6,500-7,000 people. This is not insubstantial.”

Concerns over Smithfield Park

Meanwhile James Tucker, from campaign group CityPark4Brum, has previously said the Smithfield site would be the ideal location for a signature green park and spoke at today’s meeting. “Let’s take this unique opportunity to address the green space deficit for existing and new city centre residents, ensuring a prosperous and healthy outcome for generations to come,” he said.

Again, the council officer’s report noted that there had been objection to the size and location of the proposed Smithfield Park. “Objections refer to requirements for public open space per resident and highlight that the proposed park falls below these requirements (2ha per 1000 population), coupled with a lack of existing green spaces within the city centre,” it continued.

“However, it must be noted that this is a very dense city centre proposal, therefore providing these open space requirements on this character of development would make the proposal unviable, as much of the site would be open space and not developable.” “This would conflict with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework which seek the most efficient use of brownfield land,” it added.

Proposing that the plans should be deferred, Cllr Lee Marsham said: “It’s critical we get Smithfield right and so much of what is proposed is really good. It’s almost there - the layout, the number of homes being built.

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“I think it just needs a slight tweak or two,” he added, referring to access to open spaces and whether more could be done to provide a more flexible event space. Cllr David Barrie said: “There’s much to applaud in [the application], my only slight concern is this open space.

“It would be a great shame to lose a perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to create something which could be well-used by Pride and many other events.”

“It’s too big a project to rush,” Cllr Jane Jones argued. “I would like to see more open space in the city.”

Selina Mason, speaking on behalf of the applicant, highlighted the benefits the Smithfield project would bring to the city and added: “The city has been waiting for a long time for this to happen". The report published prior to the meeting said the proposals would provide a “high-quality mixed use and residential development” on brownfield land, as well as economic, social and environmental benefits.

It said that the proposed residential units would meaningfully contribute towards the city’s housing shortfall, as well as the regeneration aspirations for that part of the city centre. “The proposal would create a distinctive place, reproviding the cities markets along with other high quality cultural buildings and public spaces,” it continued.

Cllr Martin Brooks, chair of the planning committee, said he was supportive of the proposals for Manor Square, suggesting it would give possibility for “large-scale events up to several thousand” and it was important that it was a “day to day space” for leisure use as well. However, he was concerned about the proposed Smithfield Park, saying that he would like to see the developers look at more connectivity in terms of the public spaces.

The Smithfield planning application was ultimately deferred by the planning committee.

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