Hull FC ratings as side humiliated in dreadful London Broncos defeat

Hull FC's Herman Ese'ese celebrates scoring a try.
Hull FC's Herman Ese'ese celebrates scoring a try. -Credit:SW Pix

Hull FC were defeated 34-18 by London Broncos on Sunday afternoon. The Black and Whites trailed 16-12 at half-time, and despite taking an 18-16 lead in the second half, they couldn’t prevent what turned out to be a three-score defeat. Here are the ratings.

Jack Walker - Safe under the high bomb. Returned well. But when Hull were chasing the game, he became erratic and desperate with some loose offloads and passes. 3

Tom Briscoe - Carried strong. Far from Hull's worst. 4

Cam Scott - Poor defensively. Miloudi beat him far too easily for London's first try. Looked nervy all game up against Jarred Bassett, who definitey had the better of him. 2

Liam Suctliffe - Not at the races at the moment. Looked well off the pace. 2

Lewis Martin - The young winger has been one of Hull's brighest sparks all season. That continued here, despite the defeat. He ran hard and did his bit. 5

Jake Trueman - Scored a first try of the year. Threatened at times and showed some quality, but was also wayward at times in Hull's stuttering attack. 5

Jack Charles - Some tough moments for the young half, who was targeted defensively again. 3

Herman Ese'ese - Stormed his way over for his first try for the club. Also came up with a loose offload for London's final score, but certainly in terms of going forward, he was Hull's best. However, there is work to do defensively. 4

Danny Houghton - Two assists to his name. Taken off after a bang to his head. Didn’t return. 3

Yusuf Aydin - Ran the ball strong and worked hard in defence. Pumped his legs to get over for his first try for the club. Hull collectively were woeful. Aydin wasn't. 5

Ligi Sao - Back on the edge. Ran hard, but it just doesn’t seem as natural to him as it does through the middle. 4

Jordan Lane - His sin bin came in a crucial time of the game. 3

Joe Cator - Saw enough of the ball and was one of Hull’s better defenders. 4

Tiaki Chan - Played big minutes on his Hull debut. Worked hard, if a little loose defensively. 4

Franklin Pele - Needs to be better and he knows it. 2

Morgan Smith - Came on at hooker. Held up late on. 4

Zach Jebson - Thrown on in the final few minutes. N/A

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