Hull KR player ratings low across the board after disappointing Catalans defeat

Niall Evalds - 4: Some nice moments in attack but defensively and under the high ball he had a torrid evening.

Joe Burgess - 6: Comes out with some credit having superbly finished the try that brought the game level.

Peta Hiku - 4: A real off night after some excellent form. Handling errors and some poor defensive reads.

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Tom Opacic - 5: One of many to have a poor night but his competitiveness in adversity was admirable.

Ryan Hall - 4: Rarely has a poor game but sadly he did here. One of many guilty of making too many errors.

Tyrone May - 5: Worked so hard he ended up projectile vomiting. Ineffective in attack behind a bullied pack.

Ben Reynolds - 5: Showed up well in the first half but faded in the second-half.

Jai Whitbread - 5: His typcial, energetic self but one of many dominated physically.

Jez Litten - 5: Effort was there but Catalans were able to bully him.

George King - 5: A tough game to return back to action in. Played reduced minutes to ease him back in.

Dean Hadley - 5: Even Hadley wasn't able to contain Catalans despite his best efforts.

James Batchelor - 5: A proper shift put in but, alongside his comrades, he couldn't keep up with the Dragons.

Elliot Minchella - 5: Some nice touches and worked hard but defensively had a few moments he won't be happy with.

Matt Parcell - 4: Poor defensively at times and failed to make any impact behind a beaten pack.

Kelepi Tanginoa - 4: Defensively caught out too many times throughout the evening.

Matty Storton - 5: Sin binned for a crusher tackle, albeit KR defended well while he was off the park.

Sam Luckley - 5: Helped firm up the middle after the break.