Hull mum takes her kids to notorious party hotspot Magaluf - but is pleasantly surprised

Our hotel was directly behind BCM the most famous nightclub in Magaluf
-Credit: (Image: Yorkshire Live)

Magaluf, affectionately dubbed 'Shagaluf' for many, has stood as one of the top destinations for hard-partying holidaymakers over recent decades.

Approximately twenty years ago, I embarked on my first 'girls holiday' to this much-famed location. Adorned in matching t-shirts with 'Magaluf uncovered' boldly sprawled on the back, my friends and I, amidst throngs of others, ventured to this small town on Majorca's south coast with a single goal: an uninhibited party experience.

The thought of returning here with a husband and two children seemed far-fetched at the time. Yet, unbelievably, that's precisely what took place earlier this month.

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In recent times, Majorca has been making news owing to newly implemented 'tourism rules' aimed at curtailing unruly behaviour on the island. Anti-tourism protests have also coloured the scene, particularly noticeable in the island's capital Palma, where "SOS tourism" and "Tourism is eating us" placards have made appearances.

At the start of this year, we reserved our holiday upon finding an all-inclusive deal over the half-term week in Majorca. The precise location slipped by unnoticed until an associate, who used to work as a travel agent, mentioned our hotel nestled smack dab in the heart of Magaluf, reports Yorkshire Live.

While slightly taken aback, we decided to proceed anyway, reasoning that we could enjoy our time within the confines of our family-friendly hotel if the surrounding environment proved too rowdy.

Upon arrival, we found that our hotel was situated directly behind the renowned BCM Nightclub - essentially the epicentre of Magaluf and right on the infamous 'strip' where partygoers flock. Gulp.

There were also a few strip-clubs dotted along the same stretch of road (no questions, please, kids). However, the sun was beaming, there wasn't a lager lout in sight and it all seemed rather peaceful, to be honest.

Magaluf Beach was dreamy.
Magaluf Beach was dreamy. -Credit:Yorkshire Live

Even when night fell, we didn't experience much noise.

We weren't exactly up all night but we did leave our balcony doors open while we slept (they don't activate the air-con until June) and I thought I'd hear people staggering home from their nights out but I wasn't disturbed once.

During our stay, we also visited the waterpark and the beach. I half expected the beach to be swarming with groups heading off on party boats and even individuals passed out from the previous night's revelry.

But there was nothing of the sort. It was actually idyllic.

Was it quiet because it was half-term week? Is it too early in the party season? Or are the new rules to curb the rowdy behaviour doing the trick? I'm not sure. It could be a combination of all three but all I know is I would definitely recommend Magaluf as a family destination.

We had a fantastic time.