Hull woman who cried in pain just walking down the street now on a mission after losing 12st

Lucy Horseman, 38, has lost nearly 12 stone and is always challenging herself
Lucy Horseman, 38, has lost nearly 12 stone and is always challenging herself -Credit:Supplied

A woman who cried from pain just walking down the street says having gastric sleeve surgery has given her a "second chance" and enabled her to take charge of her mental health.

Lucy Horseman, 38, from east Hull, had surgery in Turkey on April 17 last year. In just 12 months, she has lost nearly 12 stone and says she has also changed her entire outlook on life after years of agonising pain and anxiety whenever she left the house - but she has warned it was not an easy way out.

From the age of 12, Lucy suffered from binge eating disorder (BED) which is hard to get psychological treatment for despite being a recognised mental illness. At the time of her surgery, she was 25st 5lbs, had sleep apnea, and suffered from constant pain in her hips, knees and back.


Now she completes tough fitness challenges every month and puts her energy into helping other people's mental health by encouraging them to join her on informal social walks.

Lucy told Hull Live: "I didn't have any quality of life, I was in pain all the time and I couldn't do anything and I was sleeping all the time. I was just existing basically.

Lucy says she wears this sign at Parkrun to motivate other runners as they go past her
Lucy says she wears this sign at Parkrun to motivate other runners as they go past her -Credit:Supplied

"I booked the surgery and went for it on April 17. It was in Turkey which was a bit scary but it was necessary for me because on the NHS it was a four-year wait and you're not guaranteed to be accepted anyway. It felt too far in the distance to be practical.

"I've been really lucky surgery-wise, I've not had any issues at all. I have nearly lost 12 stone now, I'm just short of it."

Lucy said she was aware of the risks of weight loss surgery and decided to have the procedure abroad after careful consideration. A leading neurologist at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust recently warned people to beware targeted social media adverts promising a "quick fix" with surgery in Turkey.

Dr David Nicholl said: “I have seen three patients admitted to hospital with serious neurological complications directly as a result of undergoing bariatric surgery in Turkey. It’s exquisitely painful and we’ve had to prescribe opiates as pain relief.

"These symptoms are due to the surgeon making the stomach too small during gastric sleeve surgery. Patients have lost huge amounts of weight, sometimes over 25kg in a matter of weeks."

But Lucy lost weight more gradually, with the help of exercise, and doesn't have any regrets. She said she felt like she'd been "given a second chance at life" and decided to help other people by organising social walks and completing challenges for charity. "It kind of snowballed from there," she said.

She added: "I thought it would be good to do 12 challenges in 12 months and do stuff for my physical and mental health. Also, I thought it would be good to get other people involved.

"I decided on Dove House to raise money for because they've helped people I know and I'm a hospital social worker and they have helped a lot of patients as well. I know firsthand what a difference they make.

"I started planning the social walks as another way to get people out - anyone who was kind of like me and was quite low and felt quite isolated to give them an olive branch and an opportunity to do something.

"The feedback I've had is that they're really helping people and they are feeling a lot better about life. I try and do them at least twice a month around my other commitments."

Lucy during the Three Peaks Challenge
Lucy during the Three Peaks Challenge -Credit:Supplied

Lucy's impressive challenges so far include cycling 100 miles, walking 100 miles, and hiking the Yorkshire Three Peaks. Remembering the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, Lucy said: "It was possibly the hardest head battle I've ever had.

"It was the one-year anniversary of the surgery and to go from struggling to walk the end of the street without crying in pain to doing 25 miles in 12 and a half hours over the three peaks was quite mind-boggling."

Lucy is also planning to jump out of a plane - despite being terrified of both heights and flying. She added: "I'm doing them all to challenge my fears and test myself to the limit."

Lucy has chosen Dove House Hospice as her charity after seeing the work they do firsthand
Lucy has chosen Dove House Hospice as her charity after seeing the work they do firsthand -Credit:Supplied

"It was really hard to adjust to life after the surgery, not being able to binge eat, because that's been my coping mechanism since I was about 12," she said. "As much as some people think surgery is an easy fix, it's really not, and adjusting to a whole new way of living is really hard.

"It's taken a lot of mental strength - the physical things come easily. It's been about the head battle and changing the way I see myself and what I'm capable of."

Lucy has set up a Just Giving page where you can follow her incredible progress and make donations for the hospice. If you want to join one of Lucy's walks or support her journey, you can follow her 12 challenges in 12 months Facebook page where events are posted every month.