Husband slashed wife 28 times and hacked off part of her finger during horror killing

A woman-beater who slashed his wife 28 times and almost sliced off her finger during his horror garage slaughter has been locked up for life. 'Insecure' Rajveer Mahey declared "I have killed Pammy, now I'm going to kill myself" hours after executing his wife Kamaljeet Mahey while their two children were asleep in the family home.

The 50-year-old lured her into the garage and lashed out at her throat and torso with a nine-inch kitchen knife after wrongly becoming 'obsessed' that his faithful wife was having an affair. Chilling CCTV captured screams echoing from the garage just seconds after the couple had walked inside.

Four minutes later, Rajveer abandoned his badly wounded wife after his terrifying execution. The 'jealous' bully - who would abuse his wife in front of their children - callously waited two hours before 'calmly' calling a relative to confess his sins.

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He covered the 45-year-old's lifeless body with a blanket before sitting emotionless on the sofa as paramedics desperately tried to save her. A court heard how Kamaljeet had been signed off work by her GP just four days before her murder.

She had become so depressed by malicious rumours spread by her 'controlling' husband to friends and family about her bogus affair. Rajveer admitted murder and was today (Friday, April 19) jailed for life, with a minimum term of 16 years and eight months.

Kamaljeet Mahey
Kamaljeet Mahey -Credit:West Midlands Police

Sentencing, Judge Michael Chambers KC said Kamaljeet 'must have' suffered during her final moments. The killer had plotted to murder his loving wife the evening before she died.

The judge said: "You subjected her to a brutal and horrific attack with a knife. She literally fought for her life. You showed her no mercy.

"In your eyes, you wanted to punish her because you believed she had been unfaithful to you - which clearly from the evidence, is not true. Nothing she did, or you believed she had done, justified or excused or mitigated this unnecessary killing.

"You have deprived your children of a mother and a much-loved family member. The evidence shows you as a possessive and jealous man and had been physically abusive and violent towards your wife on previous occasions."

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard how Rajveer repeated false claims to his brother-in-law that his wife was having an affair on the day before his attack. He came home from work 'angry and agitated' before having a meal with his wife on December 14 last year.

The killer drank alcohol and 'persuaded' his wife, who rarely drank, to have some booze too. He was 'unusually affectionate' towards their son, while his behaviour was described as 'erratic' and 'uncharacteristic'.

It was at this point that he had decided to kill his wife, the court heard. CCTV footage captured the couple - who married about 20 years ago - walking into the garage at about 4.35am the next day.

It was normal for Kamaljeet to wake around that time to carry out chores. Screams lasting about 10 seconds were recorded before there was silence.

Rajveer Mahey admitted murdering his wife
Rajveer Mahey admitted murdering his wife -Credit:West Midlands Police

Rajveer was filmed leaving the garage and going back into the house about four minutes later. He called his sister twice at about 6.30am, with his brother-in-law answering the second call.

When asked why he was phoning early in the morning, the killer said: "I have killed Pammy, now I'm going to kill myself. Come here quickly otherwise, I'm going to kill myself."

Relatives rushed to the murder scene in Park Meadow Avenue, Bilston, and saw Rajveer walking towards them in the road as they approached the three-bedroom house. He told them "I have killed Pammy" before describing how his children were asleep upstairs.

When quizzed on why he had 'taken a wrong step' by his family members, the convict said: "Whatever plans they were making, I have finished their plans." His brother-in-law noticed how Rajveer appeared 'normal and calm'.

Paramedics - called by horrified relatives - arrived at the scene at 7am, finding Rajveer 'impassively' sitting on the sofa in the living room. They spotted a 'catastrophic' wound to her neck and her finger had been partially amputated.

Despite efforts to resuscitate her, she could not be saved and was pronounced dead. A post-mortem revealed Kamaljeet suffered 28 sharp force injuries including 'widespread' stab injuries and 'slicing' wounds.

Many of the injuries were to her torso, while the most severe were to the front of her neck. She suffered 'significant' blood loss, with evidence that her movements were 'restrained' while her husband was attacking her.

The 4ft 5 mum also had 'defensive wounds' to her hands indicating she had tried to stop her husband's violent onslaught. In his interview with police, Rajveer claimed his marriage was 'good' and that he had acted in self-defence.

He lied to police, describing how Kamaljeet had gone to get some onions he had chopped up when she came at him with a blade. Gurdeep Garcha, defending, said the killing was driven by Rajveer's 'deep-rooted' insecurity and jealousy.

He said: "Rajveer is under no illusion as to the devastation he has caused. He has taken his wife's life, he has ruined the lives of his two children."

Rajveev had a history of slapping and punching his wife during the marriage. But he is a 'family man' with a good work ethic who 'always provided' for his wife and children, Mr Garcha said.

Mr Garcha added: "He acknowledges that there was domestic violence in the home and on occasion, [he] treated his wife in a shabby manner. He displayed bullying, controlling and demeaning behaviour.

"Plainly there was a darker side behind closed doors, plainly he did not treat his wife well." The murderer - who had no previous convictions - cannot speak English and there will be a 'language barrier' in prison.

Mr Garcha said: "It is unlikely his children will ever be able to forgive him. He will have many years to reflect upon that. This is entirely his own fault.

"He has no family now who will want to have anything to do with him. Nobody has visited him [while on remand]. He is an isolated, sad individual."

The court heard how Rajveer had a cut to his index finger on his right hand sustained while stabbing his wife.