Husband's heartfelt tribute to kind and selfless Lizzie, who was 'the life and soul of the party'

-Credit: (Image: Submitted)
-Credit: (Image: Submitted)

A beloved wife and mother who was the "life and soul of the party" and would "put other people first" has passed away at the age of 50 after bravely battling a long illness.

Lizzie Cook, from Cleethorpes, died on Friday, June 19 and leaves behind husband of 25 years, Graham, son Billy-Bob, 16, who she "would do anything for", mum Jean, brother Graham, sister-in-law Joanne, in-laws Jean and John and many friends who adored her.

Paying tribute to his beloved wife, Graham praised Lizzie's strength and positivity throughout her illness and her determination to never give up.


Speaking to Grimsby Live, Graham said: "She was like a cat with nine lives. She never gave up, she had five years of being in and out of hospital and she'd been so poorly since Christmas. I've never known anyone fight so much, I think a lot of other people would've given up, but she did it for Billy.

"The main thing she wanted to do was to see him go from junior school to senior school, and every year after that happened was a bonus. The end game was to see him do his GCSEs, which was three weeks ago, and once he'd done those, she went downhill so quick. It was almost like she'd done what she wanted to do."

Lizzie fought her illness until the end -Credit:Submitted
Lizzie fought her illness until the end -Credit:Submitted

Lizzie and Graham met in 1998 through friends during an event at the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway, shortly after she had returned from a year-long stint of being an au pair in New Orleans, USA and subsequently travelling around the country.

The couple were married a year later in 1999, and were due to celebrate their 25th anniversary this year. In 2008, they welcomed their son Billy-Bob.

Graham said: "I thought she was ace, I was instantly attracted to her. She will most be remembered for sticking her tongue out and wearing shiny, sparkly things. She was really outgoing and the life and soul of the party.

"She was really kind and she put herself second and other people first, she was always more worried about other people, like if me and Billy-Bob were OK. She was an amazing mum - loving, kind, caring, nurturing, and she would do anything for him.

Lizzie was devoted to her son Billy-Bob, 16 -Credit:Submitted
Lizzie was devoted to her son Billy-Bob, 16 -Credit:Submitted

"Anywhere where there's mountains and lakes, we enjoyed going as a family, and we were massively into theme parks. When I met her she was in the Rollercoaster Club of Great Britain, and now I've joined it in memory of my wife so that me and Billy can do the same things we enjoyed when we first got together."

Lizzie, who worked in childcare for many years, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. She was diagnosed for a second time in 2019, and was told in February this year that her cancer was incurable. Despite being poorly herself, Lizzie took time out to help other women who were also battling the disease.

"She gave a lot of time and effort to helping other people with breast cancer, she helped a lot of people in their times of strife," Graham said.

Lizzie with husband Graham and son Billy-Bob -Credit:Submitted
Lizzie with husband Graham and son Billy-Bob -Credit:Submitted

"I'm never going to be able to replace her, but I'm trying not to wallow too much. I'm a facilitator for Andy's Man Club at The Canopy in Grimsby, and it's really helped me to help me deal with grief.

"If I could teach anyone anything about grief, it's about keeping busy, not wallowing in it and not being afraid to ask for help. I don't think I asked for help soon enough. I've got two neighbours, Dawn and Bev, and they came and sat with me and my mum and dad, and were with us at the end.

"They've really stepped up for me - they've done my washing, made food - and we've become a lot stronger as a team. My wife's friends have also helped me a lot."

Lizzie's funeral will take place on Friday, July 12 at 1.30pm at Grimsby Crematorium, where members of staff from Co op Funeral Care will be dressed in superhero clothing. Anyone wishing to attend is also asked to wear bright and sparkly clothing. The wake will be held at 2.30pm at Cleethorpes Cricket Club.

Family flowers only, with donations in memory of Lizzie to please go to St Andrew's Hospice. You can donate by clicking here.