Ian Brady revealed why he killed five children before his death

Ian Brady died on Monday (Picture: PA)
Ian Brady died on Monday (Picture: PA)

Moors murderer Ian Brady reportedly revealed why he killed five children in the 1960s before his death at a psychiatric hospital on Monday.

The notorious killer, who tortured and murdered five children in the 1960s with accomplice Myra Hindley, claimed that the horrific crimes were motivated by existentialism.

Dr Alan Keightley, who visited Brady in prison every month since 1992, made the claims in a Daily Mail article.

Describing one exchange with Brady, he wrote: ‘”Why children?” I demanded to know. He answered immediately, not batting an eyelid: “Existential exercises.”‘

In the article, Keightley also claims that Brady was ‘a nihilist who thought that life was meaningless, the universe had no purpose, and religion was a delusion.’

Ian Brady discussed legal issues with his lawyer shortly before he died (PA)
Ian Brady discussed legal issues with his lawyer shortly before he died (PA)

Dr Keightley, a former religious studies teacher, first contacted Brady after he was encouraged to by the mother of Lesley Ann Downey, one of Brady’s victims.

She had spoken to his students about her inability to forgive him for his horrific crimes and suggested that Dr Keightley should meet the serial killer.

Brady and his partner Myra Hindley ,who died in prison in 2002, tortured and murdered five children between July 1963 and October 1965 near Manchester.

MORE: Ian Brady secret letter: Does Moors Murderer’s ‘Open after my death’ note reveal Keith Bennett burial site?

MORE: My lucky escape from Ian Brady and Myra Hindley’s clutches

Both were jailed in 1966 for three murders before later confessing to another two.

At the time of his death, he was receiving treatment for Emphysema – and was urged to finally reveal where he buried the body of victim Keith Bennett, who has never been found.

Writing on Facebook after Brady’s death, Keith Bennett’s brother Alan said: ‘We will carry on doing whatever we can to bring Keith home’.