Ignoring Highway Code could be 'potential killer' for millions as AA warns of 'devastating impact'

Part of a series: Businesswoman driving from home to pick-up a male colleague and sharing a car to travel to their place of work
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Drivers who flout the Highway Code have been warned of "potential killer" consequences and the possibility of hefty fines.

The warning comes as the AA points out a worrying complacency among drivers and motorists, especially in relation to one key Highway Code rule that's being frequently ignored.

The AA has revealed roughly one in 12 young passengers aged between 14 and 29 fail to wear seatbelts while in the car. Astonishingly, one in 40 drivers also don't buckle up, raising serious safety concerns.

President of the AA, Edmund King, has highlighted the devastation of every loss and injury resulting from road accidents, urging for "important, bold steps" towards zero fatalities on our roads. He said: "The shocking fact that drivers and passengers alike are willing to travel in a moving car without a seat belt on is horrific. We need to do everything possible to change this behaviour once and for all and ensure everyone clips in before setting off", reports the Mirror.

They add: "A generational lapse in one of the most basic road safety disciplines is contributing to 21 per cent of car occupant fatalities. Years ago, it was drummed into drivers and then passengers to belt up before setting off on a car journey. Now it seems that too many car occupants have become complacent.

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"It seems a proportion of people drive carelessly or dangerously as it is clear that many believe they can do what they want as they won't get caught. Our motoring manifesto is clear that we need more cops in cars to help police the roads. Not only will their presence act as a deterrent, but they can stop poor and illegal drivers immediately, potentially preventing further tragedy."

The Department for Transport has also been actively campaigning with its recent Think! road safety initiative, which particularly urges young men to buckle up.

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