'I'm having second thoughts about man because he's not much taller than 5ft 2in'

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A woman has opened up online after a date with a man who was much shorter than her usual preference.

The anonymous post on Mumsnet confessed: "I've met someone online. We had a date at the weekend and we got on really well. He's quite short though."

Amongst her worries, asked: "I feel so shallow for thinking like this, but I have always been attracted to taller men. I'm 5'2 and he isn't all that much taller than I am. Would this be an issue for you?" She also duly noted that "his bio didn't have his height on it".

As expected, the replies were generous with advice. One user responded: "I used to be like that until I met my husband, same height. The first few dates it bothered me, by the 4th it was a non-issue. Push by the first few dates and see if there is something there, if it's still bothering then you know to walk away." In response, the conflicted dater shared: "I'm trying to push past this I really am!"

Another comment read: "Imagine in 10 years time realising you turned down a second date with a guy you got on really well with because he was short. I feel sorry for people who think height is even in the top 20 most important characteristics for a partner."

One contributor highlighted: "There is no virtue or achievement in being tall. If you like him that's all that matters and since you are short yourself he is still taller than you."

Another Mumsnet user commented: "Don't mess him around, it's not fair on him. He deserves better than someone who is not that interested. Imagine the reverse, if a date made the same comments about you - or pushing past your height, your weight, your body shape."

The original poster also shared that if she found it impossible to overlook his height, she wouldn't be so "cruel" as to disclose the real reason for her decision.