Watch UKIP's Paul Nuttall get party leader's name wrong TWICE during TV debate

UKIP’s Paul Nuttall has struggled with facts in the recent past, and now he is struggling with names.

Nuttall is under fire for twice getting the name wrong of Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood during a live televised debate on Thursday evening as part of the General Election campaign.

He was among five leaders taking part in the debate.

But obviously the Plaid Cymru leader did not make a big impression on Mr Nuttall as he twice called her Natalie, rather than her real name.

UKIP leader Paul Nuttall and Leanne – not Natalie – Wood (Rex)
UKIP leader Paul Nuttall and Leanne – not Natalie – Wood (Rex)

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The leaders were arguing over Brexit when Mr Nuttall first called Miss Wood by the wrong name.

“I’m not Natalie, I’m Leanne,” she said.

But that did not stop him from making the same mistake again just a few minutes later, when again he called her Natalie.

They were taking part in a live leaders’ debate on TV (Rex)
They were taking part in a live leaders’ debate on TV (Rex)

This time the Plaid Cymru leader shot back: “Who are you calling Natalie?”.

The UKIP leader was quick to apologise:”Leanne, I’m sorry.”

She replied: “You’ve done it twice now.” Mr Nuttall then replied: “Have I? I’m sorry about that.”

Unsurprisingly his mistakes did not go unnoticed by the TV audience or social media, who were quick to accuse Mr Nuttall of being “disrespectful”.

Paul Nuttall (Rex)
Paul Nuttall (Rex)

So far, it has not been the greatest campaign for Mr Nuttall.

Opinion polls show UKIP’s support is hovering around the five per cent mark.

Former backers of the party have claimed it is a spent political force.

Its only sitting MP, Douglas Carswell, has resigned saying the party has achieved its aim after last year’s Brexit vote.

And earlier this year it was revealed that Paul Nuttall had made false claims about losing close friends at the 1989 Hillsborough tragedy.