I'm a nutritionist: This is 'one of the best superfoods' and how to eat more

To explain why spinach is so good for us, the UK Registered Nutritionist and Chef, Lily Keeling, has broken down the benefits of the tasty veg. <i>(Image: Getty Images)</i>
To explain why spinach is so good for us, the UK Registered Nutritionist and Chef, Lily Keeling, has broken down the benefits of the tasty veg. (Image: Getty Images)

A nutritionist has named spinach as 'one of the best superfoods' as she explains how we can all add more of it to our diet.

The versatile leafy green is teaming with nutritional value and can be a delicious addition to a variety of dishes.

Rich in Iron, Vitamin C and E, potassium and magnesium, it's not a surprise that Spinach is up there as one of the most popular superfoods.

To explain why it's so good for us, the UK Registered Nutritionist and Chef, Lily Keeling, has broken down the benefits of the tasty veg.

Lily, who is from the recipe box delivery service Green Chef, has also shared some of the best ways to add more spinach to your diet.

What are the benefits of eating spinach?

Spinach is considered a superfood because it’s rich in key nutrients and vitamins to help support general wellbeing, according to the nutritionist.

Lily commented:“Adding spinach to your diet is a great way to boost your vitamin C, calcium and iron levels, as this leafy green is one of the most easily available and nutrient-dense vegetables.

“Spinach is also high in vitamin K, which is vital for supporting overall health and wellbeing. It is also low in calories and packed with fibre and can be eaten both raw and cooked.

“This combination of key nutrients is crucial for maintaining a well-balanced diet and boosting your immune system.”

How do you add spinach to your diet?

These are a number of dishes and meals that Lily recommends you add spinach to help you easily increase your intake.


Lily recommended one of the easiest ways to boost your spinach intake is to add leaves to your fruity smoothie recipes.

“Spinach doesn’t have a particularly strong taste or smell, which means it’s great for sweet smoothies," the expert added.

The Green Chef nutritionist explained: “Add this vegetable alongside a protein source such as Greek yoghurt to keep you fuller for longer.

"And to sweeten the taste, add berries for a burst of vitamins, bananas for potassium and citric fruits such as oranges, lemons and kiwis.”

“These recipes can also be frozen and eaten as a refreshing ice lolly - especially in the summer!”

Sauces and marinades

The age-old trick of adding blended veg to a pasta sauce or marinade is a great hack for adding more spinach to your everyday diet.

Lily suggested either blending, or finely chopping the spinach for a smooth texture, without compromising on flavour.

This method allows you to sneak in extra nutrients without affecting the taste of your favourite comfort dishes.

Pizza toppings

For a quick and easy trick for increasing your spinach intake, Lily recommended sprinkling either whole leaves, or chopped spinach for a nutritious pizza topping.

Lily’s top tip for avoiding wilted spinach is to lightly sauté with a bit of olive oil and garlic before scattering it over the pizza.

Additionally, the nutritionist said you should consider pairing the spinach with complementary ingredients like feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, or olives for a flavour-packed and nutritional combination.


Spinach is a great addition to a number of soup recipes to enhance the flavour and nutritional value.

One of Lily's suggestions included adding spinach to vegetable, tomato or carrot and coriander soup to complement the flavours.

Lily’s top tip when it comes to adding spinach is to finely chop or blend the spinach first.

If leaves are added whole, they can become soggy and leave you with an undesirable texture in your dish.

Recommended reading

Baked goods

For those with a sweet tooth, don’t forget to add spinach to your baking dishes too!

Because the taste of spinach is easy to conceal, Lily commented that you can even add this vegetable to baked goods, such as cupcakes.

Even better, spinach can be used as a natural food colouring agent.

The more you add, the deeper the green colour, great for kids birthday parties and Halloween events!